I'm sick.
It started the week of my vacation...well, near the end of it anyway....with really bad nasal congestion. I could hardly breathe! But I got some nasal spray, and went ahead into work the next week, all week. I skipped one class of kenpo last week to give myself some time to get rid of this crap.
I had almost gotten rid of this cold when I came home this morning. The night before, I went ahead to class, feeling just fine, then went into work, tired as hell of course, because our sensei is getting us ready for our first test. So when I got home yesterday, I was completely exhausted, but still feeling fine. So, not to long after getting home, I lay down on the couch and promptly pass out.
I woke up three hours later hardly able to breathe or speak. Apparently, sometime during those three hours, I've had some sort of relapse. When will I get rid of this SHIT?!?! I tried going into work tonight, but I just could'nt do it. So, I'm home, sitting here with a nice Hot Toddy of Herbal Tea with Echineacea, Honey, and Lemon Juice, resting up, and hoping I can finally kick this Goddamn Cold!! Fortunately, I have tommorow night off, and I've already decided to skip tonight's kenpo class. so I'm going to get some real rest and hope this is just the last stretch in this sickness.
Ok. Enough rant.
Chris, the new partner I have, did a pretty good job last week. Things were a little cluttered and crowded when I got back, but I can expect that at this time of year, with the Holidays coming up, and I can also chalk it up to the quality of help he had that week, so overall, he did very well. Well enough that I could trust him to cover for me tonight.
I did go down to the local branch of the Tandy Leather Factory down in Little Rock last week. Bought a new basic leathercrafting kit. I got that because it has most of the tools I'm going to need, as well as some instructional material, and several precut leather kits for a wallet, keychain fob, etc., so that I can get a good start. I think the only things I've left to get are a stylus, a marble board. a new skiving tool, and some carving patterns that I want to get, and I'll be ready to go. I'm going to start with the wallet, my brother needs a new one and this is the perfect opportunity. I think I'll got with a Celtic knotwork pattern.
I've also been hearing alot lately about .Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. Ever since they discontinued my favorite cologne, Tuscany Pour Uomo Forte I've been looking for a new scent to wear. I've heard so many good things about this place, I thought I'd try some of their stuff. I ordered three of their limited edition scents, and about ten imp's ears of different scents I wanna try. Let's see if I can find my new scent!
I can always turn it from an oil into a cologne if I like it, with the instructions posted on their boards. I also joined the local BPAL group here on SG. Will update with more on that later.
Well, that's all for now, I've finished my Hot Toddy, and I'm off to make another.
Happy Holidays!
Later my friends.]
It started the week of my vacation...well, near the end of it anyway....with really bad nasal congestion. I could hardly breathe! But I got some nasal spray, and went ahead into work the next week, all week. I skipped one class of kenpo last week to give myself some time to get rid of this crap.
I had almost gotten rid of this cold when I came home this morning. The night before, I went ahead to class, feeling just fine, then went into work, tired as hell of course, because our sensei is getting us ready for our first test. So when I got home yesterday, I was completely exhausted, but still feeling fine. So, not to long after getting home, I lay down on the couch and promptly pass out.
I woke up three hours later hardly able to breathe or speak. Apparently, sometime during those three hours, I've had some sort of relapse. When will I get rid of this SHIT?!?! I tried going into work tonight, but I just could'nt do it. So, I'm home, sitting here with a nice Hot Toddy of Herbal Tea with Echineacea, Honey, and Lemon Juice, resting up, and hoping I can finally kick this Goddamn Cold!! Fortunately, I have tommorow night off, and I've already decided to skip tonight's kenpo class. so I'm going to get some real rest and hope this is just the last stretch in this sickness.
Ok. Enough rant.
Chris, the new partner I have, did a pretty good job last week. Things were a little cluttered and crowded when I got back, but I can expect that at this time of year, with the Holidays coming up, and I can also chalk it up to the quality of help he had that week, so overall, he did very well. Well enough that I could trust him to cover for me tonight.
I did go down to the local branch of the Tandy Leather Factory down in Little Rock last week. Bought a new basic leathercrafting kit. I got that because it has most of the tools I'm going to need, as well as some instructional material, and several precut leather kits for a wallet, keychain fob, etc., so that I can get a good start. I think the only things I've left to get are a stylus, a marble board. a new skiving tool, and some carving patterns that I want to get, and I'll be ready to go. I'm going to start with the wallet, my brother needs a new one and this is the perfect opportunity. I think I'll got with a Celtic knotwork pattern.
I've also been hearing alot lately about .Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. Ever since they discontinued my favorite cologne, Tuscany Pour Uomo Forte I've been looking for a new scent to wear. I've heard so many good things about this place, I thought I'd try some of their stuff. I ordered three of their limited edition scents, and about ten imp's ears of different scents I wanna try. Let's see if I can find my new scent!

Well, that's all for now, I've finished my Hot Toddy, and I'm off to make another.
Happy Holidays!
Later my friends.]
thank you