Time for an update.
No reason in particular....just felt like it.
I'm off work on vacation this week. And I did'nt have to go through as much trouble as I usually did. The new partner I have working with me is actually intelligent and responsible enough to cover for me and do my job while I'm away without my having to babysit him!!
Talk about a shocker! 
Anyway, not going to be up to much this week. Got some necessary, major cleaning to do around the house. I'm not exaggerating. This place has become a mouse and roach infested crack den! Well, it was. It's a bit better since I've gotten some cleaning done. I have no excuse for the previous mess other than I was just plain lazy. But, as previously stated throughout my earlier posts...I'm changing some of the more negative aspects of my life for more positive ones.
The past few weeks I've been buying a Shitload of stuff on Amazon. Mostly books. Those of you who know me, know that I love "How to.." books. I have a full shelf dedicated to them on my bookshelf. Some of it I've followed through with, some not. Blacksmithing, Flintknapping, Primitive Survival Skills, etc. Last week, I got a new one on Leather Braiding, of which I already have a few books, and is one of the few crafts I've actually worked on (I have a Mace that I wrapped the handle on in what's called a "French whipping or grapevine service wrap" that I have been intending to show you all...it's so cool!). I think one of the things I'll make a point to do this week is to take a little trip down to Little Rock to the local Tandy Leather Factory and pick up some more supplies. I've gotten an itch to do some more Leather Braiding, and I feel like scratching!! The new book I got has a braid called a "Conquistador Braid" which I'm thinking about making into a belt.
I also bought some books on Hermetic traditions, Kabalah, Tarot, Astrology and other esoteric subjects, and a couple decks of Tarot Cards and a couple of Chakra Pendulums...mostly out of curiosity. I consider myself very spiritual, but I don't think I'll be becoming a dedicated student of any of it. I still consider myself a Christian, but I'm more of an open minded one...willing to listen, rather than to automatically jump to conclusions or to judge others for their beliefs. I believe a spiritual journey should be more about Self rather than others in the end. Anyway, enough deep subject.
Kenpo classes are going well (see previous post). I had to miss last week because my Sensei was sick, but I'll be going twice this week. It's going to be really punishing because I have'nt worked out between classes as much as I should have, but I'll make it. Our Sensei told us that later on we'll be learning some weapons forms, which has me so stoked!! I have always wanted to learn martial arts weapons. Especially any kind of stick fighting!! And one of the things he'll be teaching us are the Escrima Sticks!! I'm so excited about this, I went ahead and ordered some!! Got a set for myself, and I even got my brother two sets for his Christmas present!! Tee Hee! I'm so excited about this!!

Another thing he told us was that, once we achieve Yellow Belt, which is the next level, each student will have to chose an animal. That animal will be our title, and will be written on our new belts. Like our teacher's title is "The Falcon"...John "The Falcon" Chiaromonte.
I thought of two right off the bat...my two astrological signs. "The Lion"...from the Classcal Zodiac, and "The Ox"...from the Chinese Zodiac. I was also thinking perhaps "The Bear"...it kinda fits me in a way with my stature, strength and general demeanor. But, that's still a few months away at the shortest. (if any of you get any notions or wanna cast your vote, lemme know).
Anyway, that's all I've got for now.
Later my friends!
No reason in particular....just felt like it.
I'm off work on vacation this week. And I did'nt have to go through as much trouble as I usually did. The new partner I have working with me is actually intelligent and responsible enough to cover for me and do my job while I'm away without my having to babysit him!!

Anyway, not going to be up to much this week. Got some necessary, major cleaning to do around the house. I'm not exaggerating. This place has become a mouse and roach infested crack den! Well, it was. It's a bit better since I've gotten some cleaning done. I have no excuse for the previous mess other than I was just plain lazy. But, as previously stated throughout my earlier posts...I'm changing some of the more negative aspects of my life for more positive ones.
The past few weeks I've been buying a Shitload of stuff on Amazon. Mostly books. Those of you who know me, know that I love "How to.." books. I have a full shelf dedicated to them on my bookshelf. Some of it I've followed through with, some not. Blacksmithing, Flintknapping, Primitive Survival Skills, etc. Last week, I got a new one on Leather Braiding, of which I already have a few books, and is one of the few crafts I've actually worked on (I have a Mace that I wrapped the handle on in what's called a "French whipping or grapevine service wrap" that I have been intending to show you all...it's so cool!). I think one of the things I'll make a point to do this week is to take a little trip down to Little Rock to the local Tandy Leather Factory and pick up some more supplies. I've gotten an itch to do some more Leather Braiding, and I feel like scratching!! The new book I got has a braid called a "Conquistador Braid" which I'm thinking about making into a belt.

I also bought some books on Hermetic traditions, Kabalah, Tarot, Astrology and other esoteric subjects, and a couple decks of Tarot Cards and a couple of Chakra Pendulums...mostly out of curiosity. I consider myself very spiritual, but I don't think I'll be becoming a dedicated student of any of it. I still consider myself a Christian, but I'm more of an open minded one...willing to listen, rather than to automatically jump to conclusions or to judge others for their beliefs. I believe a spiritual journey should be more about Self rather than others in the end. Anyway, enough deep subject.
Kenpo classes are going well (see previous post). I had to miss last week because my Sensei was sick, but I'll be going twice this week. It's going to be really punishing because I have'nt worked out between classes as much as I should have, but I'll make it. Our Sensei told us that later on we'll be learning some weapons forms, which has me so stoked!! I have always wanted to learn martial arts weapons. Especially any kind of stick fighting!! And one of the things he'll be teaching us are the Escrima Sticks!! I'm so excited about this, I went ahead and ordered some!! Got a set for myself, and I even got my brother two sets for his Christmas present!! Tee Hee! I'm so excited about this!!

Another thing he told us was that, once we achieve Yellow Belt, which is the next level, each student will have to chose an animal. That animal will be our title, and will be written on our new belts. Like our teacher's title is "The Falcon"...John "The Falcon" Chiaromonte.
I thought of two right off the bat...my two astrological signs. "The Lion"...from the Classcal Zodiac, and "The Ox"...from the Chinese Zodiac. I was also thinking perhaps "The Bear"...it kinda fits me in a way with my stature, strength and general demeanor. But, that's still a few months away at the shortest. (if any of you get any notions or wanna cast your vote, lemme know).
Anyway, that's all I've got for now.
Later my friends!