Enought of that! Everything turned out fine.
Now if I can just get my vacation the week of July 13th through 19th I'll be able to finally relax.
I need a vacation pretty bad. I gave one of them up last year and was never financially compensated for it (like my manager told me he would do
If I can just get that first one of the year in I should'nt have to fight with management about the others. (I should'nt have to fight with them about it in the first place!)
I hate being indispensible!
Later my friends.
Now if I can just get my vacation the week of July 13th through 19th I'll be able to finally relax.
I need a vacation pretty bad. I gave one of them up last year and was never financially compensated for it (like my manager told me he would do

If I can just get that first one of the year in I should'nt have to fight with management about the others. (I should'nt have to fight with them about it in the first place!)
I hate being indispensible!
Later my friends.
Thank you 

You are correct sir...being indispensible! sucks. I am going on my first 2 week vacation in over a decade and I STILL willl end up checking my email and providing 1 free "consult" call every other day. Sometimes vacations remind MGMT how much they need you. My PIMA (pain in my ass) is that if shit goes bad while I am out, I still will need to go back and fix it. Take care