I'm really starting to wonder if I suffer from Depression, or some sort of Chemical Imbalance.
I went into work last night, and everything was fine. I was'nt in a good mood, but I was'nt in a really bad one either. More like the general, "Bah! I have to work now." attitude...y'know how it goes.
And it was a pretty typical night. Nothing aggravating about it, other than there was alot to do, but I always have alot to do. That's just the job.
But about a couple of hours in my mood degenerated into being Nihilistic and Misanthropic! I almost felt Genocidal!
I just felt like the world was against me and I just wanted to take someone's head off!!
I was good though....I kept a leash on it. I don't think anyone even noticed. They noticed I was in a bad mood, but I think all of us were in a bad mood, so they just thought mine part of the status quo.
Maybe that was all it was. We are getting alot more stress than we used to. Buisness is picking up, and we don't have enough help, and management won't get us any more.
I dunno.
I think I'll just pour myself an oversized glass of Whiskey, sit in the dark, and listen to some Irish Folk music. (I bought "The Essential Chieftains" Album the other day.)
Speaking of Whiskey, SG rejected my group idea (refer to previous entry). I kinda expected them to anyway. Ah well, Fuck "Em! I'm still in a "I-don't-give-a-shit/Fuck-everybody" kind of mood.
I went into work last night, and everything was fine. I was'nt in a good mood, but I was'nt in a really bad one either. More like the general, "Bah! I have to work now." attitude...y'know how it goes.
And it was a pretty typical night. Nothing aggravating about it, other than there was alot to do, but I always have alot to do. That's just the job.
But about a couple of hours in my mood degenerated into being Nihilistic and Misanthropic! I almost felt Genocidal!
I just felt like the world was against me and I just wanted to take someone's head off!!
I was good though....I kept a leash on it. I don't think anyone even noticed. They noticed I was in a bad mood, but I think all of us were in a bad mood, so they just thought mine part of the status quo.
Maybe that was all it was. We are getting alot more stress than we used to. Buisness is picking up, and we don't have enough help, and management won't get us any more.
I dunno.
I think I'll just pour myself an oversized glass of Whiskey, sit in the dark, and listen to some Irish Folk music. (I bought "The Essential Chieftains" Album the other day.)
Speaking of Whiskey, SG rejected my group idea (refer to previous entry). I kinda expected them to anyway. Ah well, Fuck "Em! I'm still in a "I-don't-give-a-shit/Fuck-everybody" kind of mood.
I choose Seattle, by the way.
Maybe see a doc for your mood swings?