I'm seriously thinking about starting a group here on SG.
One dedicated to those who love the greatest achievement the Gaelic peoples ever gave to the Western world!
That's right, I said "Whiskey".
Hell, even the word Whiskey is Gaelic in origin.
The general name for distilled spirits over most of the western world is "Water of Life", "Eau de Vie" being the French term generally used.
But the Irish and Scots Gaelic versions were pronounced "U-esk-ah Bahr" (I can't remember the proper spelling right now. I need to find either my Scots Gaelic/English Dictionary or Irish/English Dictionary) which changed with the English accent to "Whiskey"!
This group would be for all Conisseurs of any version of the amber liquid. Irish, Scots, Canadian, Burbon, Rye,...even Japanese Suntori Whiskey. (I need to try that stuff!)
Well, for the very few of you who actually read my journal, I ask of you (and I mean both of you
)....let me know what you think! I'm not asking you to join...just to give me a general idea of how well it might be recieved on this site.
Also, any of you who manage/monitor/run a group, could you give me an idea of how much effort is needed to do so. I don't get on here every day, y'know. And I don't want to have to spend hours on end keeping up with it. (though I sometimes do spend hours on here, anyway.)
If it works out, I might start that other group I've been thinking about...the one for Monty Python fans!!
That's all I've got for now.
Later my Friends.
Well, I made the application.
When I hit submit, they said that the brewpub group was similar. That's more about Beer appreciation. So I hit submit again. Hopefully, it'll be accepted!
Cross your fingers and be on the lookout for the "Whiskey Snobs" group.
One dedicated to those who love the greatest achievement the Gaelic peoples ever gave to the Western world!

That's right, I said "Whiskey".
Hell, even the word Whiskey is Gaelic in origin.
The general name for distilled spirits over most of the western world is "Water of Life", "Eau de Vie" being the French term generally used.
But the Irish and Scots Gaelic versions were pronounced "U-esk-ah Bahr" (I can't remember the proper spelling right now. I need to find either my Scots Gaelic/English Dictionary or Irish/English Dictionary) which changed with the English accent to "Whiskey"!
This group would be for all Conisseurs of any version of the amber liquid. Irish, Scots, Canadian, Burbon, Rye,...even Japanese Suntori Whiskey. (I need to try that stuff!)
Well, for the very few of you who actually read my journal, I ask of you (and I mean both of you

Also, any of you who manage/monitor/run a group, could you give me an idea of how much effort is needed to do so. I don't get on here every day, y'know. And I don't want to have to spend hours on end keeping up with it. (though I sometimes do spend hours on here, anyway.)
If it works out, I might start that other group I've been thinking about...the one for Monty Python fans!!


That's all I've got for now.
Later my Friends.
Well, I made the application.
When I hit submit, they said that the brewpub group was similar. That's more about Beer appreciation. So I hit submit again. Hopefully, it'll be accepted!
Cross your fingers and be on the lookout for the "Whiskey Snobs" group.

and much like the pirate trend, robot trend, ninja trend, and all other novelty subjects that have the ability to visualy please 14 year old girls and 30 year old women alike, ive ignorantly gone about enjoying what i like to enjoy.
making cupcake is simply one of those things. I dont enjoy eatting them half as much as i do baking them though.
I wish i knew how to make ice cream cupcakes.
THAT would be yummmiest