I'm headed for Little Rock later today (after a few hours of sleep), to go to the Arkansas Custom Knife Show.
I've always had a thing for Blades of all sorts. I wonder if it's in my blood?
My Great-Grandfather was a Custom Knifemaker & Bladesmith. His work was very well respected, from what I hear. He used to grind down blades from old sawmill blades. My Grandma has a full set of kitchen-knives he made for her when she got married, and they're still in use, and qutie good.
Anyway, I've had a wandering interest in Knifemaking for several years now. I read Blade magazine, as well as other titles.
I just wish I had more of the stuff required for it. The time...the equipment...a workshop...and admittedly, a little more drive and alot less procrastination on my part.
Not to make a buisness of it, but just a hobby...y'know, just for myself.
I guess I just love my TV and Video Games too much. (yes, I'm a couch potato. but at least I know I'm one, and knowing and admiting you have a problem is the first step in recovery.)
Oh, well. Maybe I'll get up off of my ass one day and do it.
Anyway, if any of you are reading this, and are in the Little Rock, AR area, come check it out. There's always some neat stuff there.
I'm away to sleep.
Later my Friends.
I've always had a thing for Blades of all sorts. I wonder if it's in my blood?
My Great-Grandfather was a Custom Knifemaker & Bladesmith. His work was very well respected, from what I hear. He used to grind down blades from old sawmill blades. My Grandma has a full set of kitchen-knives he made for her when she got married, and they're still in use, and qutie good.
Anyway, I've had a wandering interest in Knifemaking for several years now. I read Blade magazine, as well as other titles.
I just wish I had more of the stuff required for it. The time...the equipment...a workshop...and admittedly, a little more drive and alot less procrastination on my part.

Not to make a buisness of it, but just a hobby...y'know, just for myself.
I guess I just love my TV and Video Games too much. (yes, I'm a couch potato. but at least I know I'm one, and knowing and admiting you have a problem is the first step in recovery.)
Oh, well. Maybe I'll get up off of my ass one day and do it.

Anyway, if any of you are reading this, and are in the Little Rock, AR area, come check it out. There's always some neat stuff there.
I'm away to sleep.
Later my Friends.
Thanx! Happy V-Day! 

I'd like to see a pic of your favorite one!