Ahhhh...Soren's set is up!!
We now have another native and resident SG to represent us.
Let all who judge all Arkansans to be nothing more than Bare-Footed, Shotgun-Toting, Moonshine-Swilling, Cousin-Marrying, Single-Helix, Uneducated, Farm-Animal-Fucking, Dumshit, Hayseed, Redneck, Hillbillys......BEWARE!!! For you make a Deadly Misconception!!
Make sure you check Soren's set out. She is Fucking HAWT!!!
Later my Friends.

We now have another native and resident SG to represent us.
Let all who judge all Arkansans to be nothing more than Bare-Footed, Shotgun-Toting, Moonshine-Swilling, Cousin-Marrying, Single-Helix, Uneducated, Farm-Animal-Fucking, Dumshit, Hayseed, Redneck, Hillbillys......BEWARE!!! For you make a Deadly Misconception!!

Make sure you check Soren's set out. She is Fucking HAWT!!!

Later my Friends.
How are you?? xxx
Thanks for wishing me luck on the job- it turned out lovely. well, maybe not lovely but atleast i survived. rawr.