Well, the Holidays are finally over...but I am in pain once again.
Well, actually, I'm not in pain. But I would be if it were'nt for the Vicadin.
Fortunately, I have a Dentist's appoinment Tuesday, and this mess should soon be over with.
This morning I finally caved in and splurged. I bought a new 2GB iPod Nano, and then spent a few hours cursing loudly and screaming at loved ones trying to figure the damn thing out! (I'm such a tech-moron)
But I finally have it loaded to a satifactory state. I turned it on, started listening to some music, and promptly fell asleep and took a nap.
(Good thing it has a button lock on it)
It is now New Years Day.
Around here, most people observe the tradition of eating Black-Eyed Peas and Hog Jowls for Good Luck. Usually, I follow this tradition as well...but I think I'll skip it this year (did'nt seem to do me a damn bit of good last year)
But I have something else in mind...
Last week, I went to Jonesboro, just for a "get out of town" trip, and ended up eating lunch at "The Imperial" Chinese resturant (One of my favorites) They have this wonderfull, chewy, sweet appetizer which is rolled in sesame seeds and they serve daily on the buffet, and I finally asked what they were.
The server told me they were sweet potatoes.
Sweet Potatoes!!
How in the Hell did they get them so soft and chewy like a marshmallow?!?!?!?
She also told me that it was Chinese tradition to eat them on New Year's Day like we eat Black Eyed Peas.
I think I know what I'm switching to!!

I made up a great recipe for cooking Black Eyed Peas so that I can actually stand to eat them, but those Sweet Potatoes have won my vote!!
Well, that's enough out of me. This Vicadin's kicking my ass. Some people enjoy the high of drugs...frankly, I don't. But I do enjoy a good nap, so that's where I'm headed.
I Sincerely Wish You All A Happy New Year!!!
(or at least, happier than the last)
Later my Friends.
Well, actually, I'm not in pain. But I would be if it were'nt for the Vicadin.
Fortunately, I have a Dentist's appoinment Tuesday, and this mess should soon be over with.
This morning I finally caved in and splurged. I bought a new 2GB iPod Nano, and then spent a few hours cursing loudly and screaming at loved ones trying to figure the damn thing out! (I'm such a tech-moron)
But I finally have it loaded to a satifactory state. I turned it on, started listening to some music, and promptly fell asleep and took a nap.

It is now New Years Day.
Around here, most people observe the tradition of eating Black-Eyed Peas and Hog Jowls for Good Luck. Usually, I follow this tradition as well...but I think I'll skip it this year (did'nt seem to do me a damn bit of good last year)
But I have something else in mind...
Last week, I went to Jonesboro, just for a "get out of town" trip, and ended up eating lunch at "The Imperial" Chinese resturant (One of my favorites) They have this wonderfull, chewy, sweet appetizer which is rolled in sesame seeds and they serve daily on the buffet, and I finally asked what they were.
The server told me they were sweet potatoes.
Sweet Potatoes!!
How in the Hell did they get them so soft and chewy like a marshmallow?!?!?!?
She also told me that it was Chinese tradition to eat them on New Year's Day like we eat Black Eyed Peas.
I think I know what I'm switching to!!

I made up a great recipe for cooking Black Eyed Peas so that I can actually stand to eat them, but those Sweet Potatoes have won my vote!!
Well, that's enough out of me. This Vicadin's kicking my ass. Some people enjoy the high of drugs...frankly, I don't. But I do enjoy a good nap, so that's where I'm headed.
I Sincerely Wish You All A Happy New Year!!!
(or at least, happier than the last)
Later my Friends.
The situation sucks, but I totally understand. He is fucking with my head so much about it, and won't let me move on. I hate it and soon I'll learn to resent him for it.
It's pretty fucked up, but I understand.
Nervous about the interview, but thank you for the well wishes!