Amongst many other things we
don't have here in Arkansas, we also lack a Lottery.
But, Missouri does. And every once in a while, I like to go up there to buy some, just for the Hell of it, and the trip gives me an excuse to go out of town (as all of us have to once in a while).
My tale goes like this. I'll put it in a spoiler for ya. I know some might not want to hear me rant.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Saturday morning, after work, I had gone up there to buy tickets and to get out of town. One of the scratchers I bought actually paid off!! Not a large sum, just $100. but enough for me to make the two-and-a-half hour trip again Sunday morning. (I should mention here that I did not scratch them off immediately, but rather took them home. Don't ask why....I just did it that way.)
Well, I went back to the same place in Cardwell, MO, which was much busier this morning than the previous, so I got in line to redeem my ticket.
There were two ticket sellers at the counter, one of whom, a seeminly nice and polite young girl, was being harrassed by three late teen/early twenties boys. The way I would describe them would be "Thug Wannabes". I'm sure you've seen the type. Those teen, pampered upbringing, middle-class, ne'er-do-well, slacker-types who "think" they're thug and tough but in a real "situation" are the first to cower and run. The type who think they have a right to be totally rude and have no respect for other people whatsoever.
I have a deep-seeded Hatred of people like that!! Not that I'm polite. I belive rudeness has very good the right situation. But when you present yourself like that all the time, from the start, just so you can "appear" tough and "gangsta"....that puts you on my "shit-list" real fast!!!
These "children" were buying scratcher ticket at the counter, and scratching them off there, which signs clearly say is not allowed....that I could let go.
Every time they won a few dollars, they'd snap at the poor girl, "Yeah! Now give me my money, Bitch!"....I could even let that go.
But I just about popped up and decked the little bastard in the middle when he flicked the toothpick he had in his mouth at the girl, when she asked him for what else she could do for him!!! :angry:
We were all lucky that right after that they left....because one more little outburst from them, and I would've stepped in.....and most likely gotten in trouble.....for putting three boys in the Hospital!!
Forgive me for repeating myself, but I hate posers like that, who pretend they've had it tough!!
I grew up with an alcoholic father who, just for a small example, when I was ten, smashed a baby bottle against my head because I did'nt know how to properly give a bottle to a baby!!
I still have the scar on my forehead to remind me of that incident. (You might be able to see it in my pics...just above my right eye. Possibly not.)
But I don't go around acting tough, and bullying people around like they did.
I was about ready to show them what tough really was!!!
Forgive my ranting.
Otherwise, things have really been looking up.
Not only did I win some money off of that ticket, but I won some money at work too!!
We had a "contest" of sorts at work. It had to do with increasing sales in my department over the summer.
They set a....not a "goal" really, but more of a target. The idea was to meet that "target". But if you exceeded it, the lead clerk (that's me) would get a prize relflective of how much you exceeded it.
I think it was like $100 for 10%, $250 for 20%, and $500 for 30% or more....somewhere in that neighborhood.
Not alot of money, but to a poor boy like me, it was nice.
I won $500!!!
And yes, I did share it with the guy who helps me....I do have some sense of fair play.
Hopefully, this lucky streak won't come to a crashing end, but more of a gentle one.
Later, my Friends.
Haha, My ferrets get raw meat as a treat haha, so hardly caviar...don't think i'll upgrade that far Haha
I've always felt closer to animals than i have to people...Pretty much everyone sh*ts on you at some point, its just from a different height...animals though, naa, they're loyal. They love you for who you are, they dont care if youre fat or thin, they're always there for you, always happy, always loving, affectionate and they jsut take you for who you are, no judging. And I love that
Have a good christamssss!!!!