(I think I've been tagged....I'm not even really sure what it means)
Well, whatever it is, BeckyJane had this in her journal, and asked to have it put in others journals, so I'm going with it.
It's kind of a "Let's-get-to-know-each-other" kind of survey.
And I'm not giving up on my little quiz til more than just one person gives a guess!
C'mon people. Give it a go.
Name the Movie and the Character this quote is from:
"Everything's true."
"God's an Astronaut..."
"Oz IS 'Over-The-Rainbow'..."
"And Midian is where the Monster's live..."
"And you came to Die!"
I'll keep it up til somebody get's it.
It is a good movie after all. I think I'll watch it this morning.
Finally got an estimate on my new Blazer, which was wrecked.
And it seems they are'nt going to total it out after all, and they will repair it. So that's a BIG LOAD off of my mind.
They said it should be fixed by the end of the week.
I think I'll pour myself some Glenmorangie, light up a Cigar, and watch that movie.
Later my freinds!
P.S. I still want this sword!
the next time my fella is sleeping, i'm gunna shove my finger up his nose...and if he says anything, i'm gunna be like 'whaaattt?! Khorsaun said it's ok!'
Have a good weekend! xoxox