Dahlia is trouble.
We've known this from the start. In the first year of her life she had the cops at our house twice.
She's climbed everything as soon as she could figure it out.
She also is a great problem solver. She still gets up for a bottle once in the middle of the night. One night she got up and fussed and decided to solve her own problem. She got up, opened her bedroom door, walked across the house and knocked on our door. This prompted us to put a latch on their door. I'm not entirely comfortable with that solution, but given that she's fascinated by the utensil drawer I'm so terrified that she'll get up one night and play with knives, I'll suck up on insecurities on that one. (Meanwhile T seems to think there's an invisible barrier at the threshold to their room, she will not leave it without explicit permission from her parents.)
Today however she's reach a new... phase.
In the kitchen is the door to the basement. We've cut a hole in that door so that the cats can go to the basement no problem. Today Dahlia discovered she can fit through that hole. Conveniently she tried it while I was standing RIGHT THERE fixing lunch. So she didn't tumble down the stairs. (there's even a broken stair so it's not like she can just walk down the stairs and be safe.)
Those of you who've been to our house will understand my concern here. For those who haven't I've described the house in spoilers.
We've known this from the start. In the first year of her life she had the cops at our house twice.
She's climbed everything as soon as she could figure it out.

She also is a great problem solver. She still gets up for a bottle once in the middle of the night. One night she got up and fussed and decided to solve her own problem. She got up, opened her bedroom door, walked across the house and knocked on our door. This prompted us to put a latch on their door. I'm not entirely comfortable with that solution, but given that she's fascinated by the utensil drawer I'm so terrified that she'll get up one night and play with knives, I'll suck up on insecurities on that one. (Meanwhile T seems to think there's an invisible barrier at the threshold to their room, she will not leave it without explicit permission from her parents.)
Today however she's reach a new... phase.
In the kitchen is the door to the basement. We've cut a hole in that door so that the cats can go to the basement no problem. Today Dahlia discovered she can fit through that hole. Conveniently she tried it while I was standing RIGHT THERE fixing lunch. So she didn't tumble down the stairs. (there's even a broken stair so it's not like she can just walk down the stairs and be safe.)
Those of you who've been to our house will understand my concern here. For those who haven't I've described the house in spoilers.
So basically I'm scare we'll forget to latch her door one night and she'll fall down the stairs to the basement and we won't know until morning.
It was enough work baby-proofing an apartment when my girls were little so I can imagine the huge task of doing it in an entire house.