I've been sick for over a week.
There's no hope for me to get better because I can't rest for any of the 14 hours the girls are awake.
MDF took a sick day yesterday because he was sick too. He tried to let me nap but I laid in bed for an hour, coughing and listening to see if the baby figured out I'm nearby and started crying. And when I would drift off Dahlia would cry. T has a fever and is very needy so she's going to suck the life from me today.
A short while later...
Ok back to the blog I had to stop because T shoved her sister. Off a chair.
I can't handle today.
I feel like I'm perpetually choking.
I choke when I lay down to go to sleep at night.
I cough so hard I pee my pants.
I NEED to lay in bed, not listening to the children cry.
I need a goddamn sick day.
There's no hope for me to get better because I can't rest for any of the 14 hours the girls are awake.
MDF took a sick day yesterday because he was sick too. He tried to let me nap but I laid in bed for an hour, coughing and listening to see if the baby figured out I'm nearby and started crying. And when I would drift off Dahlia would cry. T has a fever and is very needy so she's going to suck the life from me today.
A short while later...
Ok back to the blog I had to stop because T shoved her sister. Off a chair.
I can't handle today.
I feel like I'm perpetually choking.
I choke when I lay down to go to sleep at night.
I cough so hard I pee my pants.
I NEED to lay in bed, not listening to the children cry.
I need a goddamn sick day.
feel better beautiful

aww i hope you get better soon, ps I love the 3 profile pics you have that look like a continuous picture of yourself, I loved the last one too you had previous to this one.