eat it all and crush what's good for you upon your molars. Squeeze it out and suck the poisons into your live, trust the filters to divide the useful from the mal, but the in the mal is le understanding true, the carrion have the real experience, all life comes thrugh the carrion of original existance.
Jpan is hot and sweaty.
Haha, thanks for supporting the bokke, I think you have chosen the winning team!!

I am very happy!
The last half-year has been interesting, due mainly to the strange places i've been finding work.
The porn-store with gay cruise lounge was interesting, selling amyl nitrate and crack-pipes (though I stopped selling the later to salve my conscience and to watch the addicts chuck a hissy-fit), but I decided to leave when one of the other stores turned up evidence of kid porn...
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The last half-year has been interesting, due mainly to the strange places i've been finding work.
The porn-store with gay cruise lounge was interesting, selling amyl nitrate and crack-pipes (though I stopped selling the later to salve my conscience and to watch the addicts chuck a hissy-fit), but I decided to leave when one of the other stores turned up evidence of kid porn...
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