Hmmm... An update from li'l ol' me. Nothing terribly profound lately, other than the fact that Christmas is still hard. It's been fifteen years since my brother died, and there are times when it seems like yesterday. My family has long traditions for holidays, and every time one rolls around, it's a reminder of what we've lost. This is not to say that holidays are...
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My own musical stylings are all over the fucking board. It really depends on who i am working with i suppose. One of my biggest problems of lately is that one of my methods entails Reason. . . the 1st version. How frustrating. Not lo-fi enough to be filrhy and not nearly recent/powerful enough to construct mindboggling sounds to use in songs.
For a while i used to spend hours trying to get the sounds to sound less reason-y. I've recently given up on that to focus on other aspects because it's futile now with that version of reason. So if nothing else, i'd love to see your sound synthesis methods and whatnot.
I'm sure theres more, but another time