Heehee, I just ordered two copies of the Japanese full set of .hack//sign smile
I'ma ship one to a good friend of mine who is having money issues and wants it dearly... the fact that she offered oral for life if I got it for her was in no way a motivation, I swear!
It should prove really cool....
<random> My computer is making funny noises,...
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Happy birthday!!! kiss
Uh huhn.
So my girlfriend seems to be having off and on issues with her happiness. :-/
No good, eh? Her family has been driving her insane, along with her best friend going batshit insane and turning into the complete opposite of what she used to be and neglecting her old friendships...
It's unnerving to be called someone's pillar of support... cuz fuck if I'm...
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hrm..ive been having those off and on issues too
So I sat at work today reading my friends hatelife journals, wondering why they were worrying about something or another.
Why do people insist on analyzing everything?
I try to take things in stride and just live life as it comes. Not to say that my way is the correct way, but it certainly allows for very little stress with optimal enjoyment.

Speaking of enjoyment,...
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I am tired.
I think I have been at home for an entirety of 6 hours in the past 60....
That's impressive to me. :-P
Star Wars drinking games are fun...
"Every time you find yourself staring at Natalie Portman, take a drink"
"Every time Anakin is whiney, take a drink"
"Every time you find yourself staring at a particular part of Natalie Portman, take...
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So I sit here at my computer wondering WHY THE FUCK I am still awake.
I can't sleep, I guess that's what having a conscience is all about.
I feel guilty about having done some things and said some things in my life, but they are who I am... and I can't change who I am.
I can't pick and choose what parts of myself...
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haha! "tuesday" that was hilarious!
I think I should be in bed right now... I have to be up in 3 hours to go to work.
Work used to stress me out. I would sit there and worry about getting things done on time and making sure that the projects went out on time, but even working as fast as I could, I couldn't get them done....
So I stopped...
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*twiddle* I don't want to go to work in the morning.
Work no fun, Jon want fun.
Oh well... gotta make the bread.

<later that night!>
Peculiar, you must choose 3 favorites at once, can't have less than 3...
Answer me these questions three...
You shall count to three...
One, two, five! Three sir... Three!
Okay, I'm just pleased I figured out what the...
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Oh lordy, you're in williamsburg!

About twenty zillion of my friends live in williamsburg.

(twenty zillion = 4)