Alright, I know that here in Florida "we" make a lot of money off tourists and its good for the economy and blah, blah, blah... But, I have a message for our visitors:
I'd say about 99% of us Floridians don't drive the speed limit, in fact most of us probably don't even know what the speed limit is on roads we drive everyday. If it says 35 and its a major through road you can bet people will be going at least 55. If you can't keep up get out of the fucking way!
Ok... anyway.... next...
I am going bike riding tomorrow with a couple friends and I haven't used my bike in a long long time. Its all dusty and dirty and gross. I went outside this morning before work and threw some water at it but it is still too dirty for me to want to put it in my car. I have a hose outside that I'd love to go hose it down with... Its got all the neat little different sprays and it would get it nice and clean... BUT... Someone broke it!! Now if you attempt to use the hose as soon as you turn the water on it starts spraying at you from the point where the faucet and the hose meet and you get soaked before you can even begin to turn it off. I hate having a communial backyard, people somehow feel they are entitled to use your shit. I pay for my water. No one should be using my hose with my water. Assholes.
Sigh, its not been a good day. Can you tell?
I want to punch my boss (actually bosses) in the face. They deserve it. They really do. The things I could tell you would just take up too much space and time. Take my word for it.
I need to go watch some tv or a movie and pig out on junk food tonight. I'm gonna go do that now.
I'd say about 99% of us Floridians don't drive the speed limit, in fact most of us probably don't even know what the speed limit is on roads we drive everyday. If it says 35 and its a major through road you can bet people will be going at least 55. If you can't keep up get out of the fucking way!
Ok... anyway.... next...
I am going bike riding tomorrow with a couple friends and I haven't used my bike in a long long time. Its all dusty and dirty and gross. I went outside this morning before work and threw some water at it but it is still too dirty for me to want to put it in my car. I have a hose outside that I'd love to go hose it down with... Its got all the neat little different sprays and it would get it nice and clean... BUT... Someone broke it!! Now if you attempt to use the hose as soon as you turn the water on it starts spraying at you from the point where the faucet and the hose meet and you get soaked before you can even begin to turn it off. I hate having a communial backyard, people somehow feel they are entitled to use your shit. I pay for my water. No one should be using my hose with my water. Assholes.
Sigh, its not been a good day. Can you tell?

I want to punch my boss (actually bosses) in the face. They deserve it. They really do. The things I could tell you would just take up too much space and time. Take my word for it.
I need to go watch some tv or a movie and pig out on junk food tonight. I'm gonna go do that now.

Assuming that one of them is a man. And maybe even if they are both women.
I hope tomorrow is better for you.