BUCS WON!!! 20-17 in OT!! GO BUCS!!!
Finally it is here again...
Tomorrow night I get to watch my Bucs (hopefully) kick some ass... speaking of ass...
Whats new with you? I hope everyone is well. I am feeling pretty good... I haven't been having my daily headaches since I've been on the new meds so I am very happy about that.
I am starting to gain some weight though so I need to get that fixed before it becomes a problem... Gotta break out my Tae-bo and Lotte Berk Method DVDs.
I am going to see the HorrorPops in about a month.
I've never seen them so I hope it'll be good... I am looking forward to it.
I got nothin' else right now... so....

Finally it is here again...

Tomorrow night I get to watch my Bucs (hopefully) kick some ass... speaking of ass...


Whats new with you? I hope everyone is well. I am feeling pretty good... I haven't been having my daily headaches since I've been on the new meds so I am very happy about that.

I am going to see the HorrorPops in about a month.

I got nothin' else right now... so....

I love sweets too. And chocolate, and sweet drinks.
Maybe I`ll join you at the Gym (although I`ve not been for 8 years lol)
Keep well