Friday Nov 14, 2008 Nov 13, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email Starting to feel better. Except now I think I may be getting a cold. Sneezing hurts like hell. lyric: hey i just saw that you asked about starz on the puppy boards ! lol shes a papillion toy poodle cross =) Nov 13, 2008 pyromethious: General info: Teaspoon of lemon Lemon in any form is good for the sinus' when stuffy; Teaspoon of honey(as natural as you can find it) is good for the immune system; Both in a hot cup of Camomille tea does wonders for the body!!! Nov 15, 2008
Teaspoon of lemon Lemon in any form is good for the sinus' when stuffy;
Teaspoon of honey(as natural as you can find it) is good for the immune system;
Both in a hot cup of Camomille tea does wonders for the body!!!