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BABES❣ What to tell them? I'm very grateful 🤗 I can not believe all the love you give me. the messages of encouraging affection, which I received in my set ❤
Even though my things were not good, work, study, money, love, everything was very bad in my life these last months. But my set came out, and I read your messages and I feel...
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Hi guys! what to tell you! I am so grateful to all of you❤. I can not believe the love they gave me in my last two published sets! All the love I received exceeded my expectations😍. They made me feel very good, and I'm really thankful to everyone! I do not lose hope of becoming pink, but with all the love you give me,...
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Iam now part of #Patreon 💖 Where you will find a lot of exclusive content that I will only upload to the site every week! Do not stop visiting my profile ✨
Hi guys✨How are you?. I want to tell you that I am very happy, and it is thanks to you😀💖
All this time I have received so much support regarding my set, I have had many I like and beautiful comments. I have a lot of hopes of becoming pink, which is a big dream for me!!! I also want to tell you that I...
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Hello loves😻 I hope this news gives you great pleasure! I start the countdown, in 1 week and 5 days my first set, called "a touch of turquoise" comes to MR✨
I am very happy and anxious at the same time. I would also like some advice for when the set is in MR. I would greatly appreciate it! I hope you are alert and...
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Hey chicos! hoy es el ultimo dia del año, y tengo que agradecerles, porque aun que no lo crean han hecho una gran parte para que mi año sea hermoso. Una de las mejores cosas de mi 2016 fue haber entrado a #SuicideGirls, y todo el apoyo y amor que he recibido en estos meses de parte de ustedes es genial. En el 2017 sale...
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