Wow, so some lovely human out there reactivated me!

I just might stick around as well wink
I just arrived back from Berlin....

Full update and photo's tomorrow smile

now I need sleep and a bath, and I'm not sure in which order.... :S


Will look forward to it babe! xoxo wink smile
It's past 'tomorrow'.

I can't wait to see pictures, especially any of you.
I spent today in a field, which was nice!

Seriously- the sun was out but there was this low haze all day that kept it nice and cool and fresh feeling, the bumblebees have started to come out. We saw Buzzards circling on the the thermals and spent the day surveying the site of a Deserted Medieval Village.

It was just one day teaching some...
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Are you in Germany? Or are you back? I can't remember when you were going to go.

I've never owned a laptop. Wish I did.

Mind you, I'd be paranoid of losing it or having it stolen, so I can understand how you feel.

You and the boy have been together almost nine years now? That's fantastic!

Wish I had that kind of record.
hey no i dont think that of you at all i dont judge people its one of my downfalls , so ere whats up with the pic that u got now / it works for me but then iam a bloke and a old one at that lol
Hey all,

I'm currently sneezing all the time so it must be spring smile

Just a little note for now- you all seem to be busy, I'm wondering what is going on with MarkR1 and Northern- I've not heard from you guys in a while and I hope all is well.

I'm off to Germany for a conference at the end of the week, which is...
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Hey you!

I wasn't around much last week because I was at a conference. But you know that from reading my blog, right? tongue

I've never been to Germany either. I've never been to Europe. Heck, I haven't been to very many countries at all. I've been to Costa Rica, The Bahamas, the US (of course), and Mexico, but just for a few hours).

Congrats on the weight loss! I've never understood the concept of stones. Thanks for translating.

Your mom sounds like my dad. He was the same way - only noticed the negatives about me.

Sorry your boy (and that sounds more endearing than non-spouse) is depressed. Hopefully it'll pass soon. As someone who goes through periods like that too, your patience is greatly appreciated by him, even if he doesn't show it.

As for wanting to be desired.... I desire you. I don't think it qualifies as scary desire though.

I don't crave sex very often anymore. I think that after a long period of not having sex, your brain stops craving it as a way to prevent insanity and deep depression.

Good luck getting some passionate sex. wink
Hey hunneh, thanks for the wake up call! I've not been on the site so much these last few weeks as a product of work, uni, and house procurement issues. Since then work has <somewhat> settled down, i've submitted a near complete dissertation, and as of today exchanged contracts on my new place in Haywards Heath. I also chivvied the site manager to try to get it finished for mid-may when my pal Jennifer from Florida comes to visit. I'm meeting the flooring guy again tomorrow on site to choose some stuff - i'm thinking white oak flooring for the main living areas with black slate in the two bathrooms and just neutral, natural tone carpets in the bedrooms. Ho hum.

So, you have been busy! Nice work with the mass-management, like it! You'll love Germany - where are you going? I've travelled there quite extensively by bike, mainly Bavaria and the north western areas - there's lots to see. I love all the historic stuff in cities like Aachen and Nuremberg. I'm next going in May (I think) to do a little road trip with my pal Krista from Atlanta. You'll have great fun! If you're feeling isolated out there txt me or something - you have my number, right?

Trouble in paradise huh? Too bad, babe, I feel your pain. I split up with the teenage witch at the weekend. It was her birthday on Sunday (anymore she's not a teenager), and Saturday she told me about the local convenience factor she had found herself. Love it. As you might imagine, I politely declined the Saturday night celebrations she was having. Well infact, I showed up, explained my position, then left... A total of 3 of her wonderful local pals had made the effort to be there. And that's the last I've heard from her. I'd have vaguely hoped for a word of thanks after she'd opened the pile of presents I dropped on her, but seemingly not. I could give a rat's ass. I instead spent Saturday night at the Nottingham Rock City all-nighter with a bunch of my grown-up pals and we had a riot. Yay for adult women with degrees and jobs and stuff.

Craving sex, eh? I find that interesting. Scary too, y'say. Ok. We can do scary. Fantasy enactment you're thinking? It's all about the anticipation right? Getting play-abducted, bundled into a black German sportscar, blndfolded and whisked off to an old asylum for a night of i-can't-say-what. Next day....foggy memories of champagne-fuelled wrong-doing....bitemarks as Proustian mnemonics.....you sure you want this genie out of the bottle babe..?(let's hope that's a yes..hehe)... wink smile . Call me.
OK, it's been ages, but this time it really isn't my fault!

Dumbass not-spouse-creature decided the easiest way to fix a fragged motherboard in our home PC was to reinstall windows... WTF? And then take a month to admit defeat and send it in for the new hardware it has blatantly needed since just after my last post.

I have only just read your comments...
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I was getting worried about you.

I got confused when I saw that you had left two comments for me, but I could only see one. So I clicked on the second comment and found that you had replied to my previous blog entry. I didn't know that. SG only tells you about comments made in your current entry, not the past ones.

Glad I found it though. moo looks pretty cool. I'd love to see which pictures you turned into cards. (And if you can spare any, feel free to send one or more to me).
Hey, thanks for the update!

Bournemouth eh? Just up the road from me..sort of, hehe! Yup, I'm familiar with the ARC GIS systems, although at work we tend to use Mapinfo and various derivatives thereof. Y'know what huni... you're right about the crazy chicks, but I'm pretty sure it's them picking me rather than the other way around. Must be, right!? ;-) whatever

So, tattoo plans are proceeding, yay! Into You would be a great place to have the work done. Gimmie a shout nearer the time? Did I already mail you my contact details? Can't remember, I will now anyway to be sure.

Thanks for the tip about your local retro bike dealers! Next sunny weekend I'll have to give it a look ;-).

In other news, my house sale up north finally completed on Friday, and yesterday I put a deposit on a smart new place here in Haywards Heath. Trouble is; it's brand new and isn't finished yet, so I'm stuck in my rented asylum apartment for maybe three more months. Ho Hum. Anyway, I'll post a blog with further details on the matter later today ;-)

So ya... drinks'd be cooltake care, spk soon,
Well, I have a lot to update you all on!

The closing days of 2006 saw a mad dash to finish the MSc dissertation in time for the New Year so I could enroll on my lovely funded PhD and actually have money again for the first time since ceasing work in July. It was not a fun way to spend the Christmas period kids,...
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I agree, now that you're doing your doctorate, no one will even think to wonder what your Master's grades were.

How's the PhD work going?

Here's a dumb question of mine - how long will it take?

I know all the songs you named, except the one you added at the end.

Of course, now I have to find it, so I can learn more about you.

Maybe it's because I only know you here, but you haven't seemed to be someone with a tough exterior.

If I say more, it'll turn into flirting. blush
Hey, thanks for the comment, and apologies for the hugely delayed response. It's been kind of a mad couple of months! wink

Soo..you've been busy too! Excellent progress with the dissertation! If it's any consolation I was doing the exact same thing during my Chrsitmas / new year period, and similarly I think my rather perfunctory offering will have scuppered my distinction hopes. How uncannily parallel our lives seem to be at the moment! surreal

Anyway, I strongly suspect that you're probably still on for a distinction, and that's quite right of your supervisor that once you have the PhD nailed the MSC grade will be rather a footnote. In fact, as someone who interviews and recruits staff typically qualified to Masters' and PhD leave, I'd say that most of the time the grade of a Masters' is irrelevant. The only exception is if you go for a job in higher education (HE) or academia. I've still got some to finish on mine, so have a series of long weekends booked during this and next month to do that. So which uni are you at now?

All sounds exciting - which GIS system will you be using btw?
smile wink
Ok, way more than a month, sorry guys!

I have some pretty darn good excuses smile

mainly : IT IS HANDED IN! The basterd dissertation is being marked as we speak and I've enrolled onto my PhD at long last.

I'll write a proper entry tomorrow, just checking you were all still alive and had survived the festive season.

K out.
Ok, not quite a whole month, I'm getting better at this.

Taking a few hours off... need to write about 10,000 words (sensible ones!!) in 10 days...

News from K country: Not a lot really. The Dissertation of Doom (yes, by now it deserves capitals) is finally progressing: I didn't get a valid data set until after the deadline so I have until the 28th...
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Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas!!
Well I promised and all, so here is another entry...

I'm thinking about new ink.

I beleive in tattoo's/peircings being done at important times or to celebrate/remeber specific things. You earn 'em.

I'm due to finish my Masters soon (and I am GOING to god damn well beat it if it's the last thing I do), and enroll on a PhD. Finally going where I...
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Like I said, I wasn't sure what image you wanted to get a tattoo of, so maybe you should grab a picture of it and post it here? smile

Don't worry about whether the tat will be visible to people if you wear something that shows your back.

Lots of people have tattoos these days, it's hardly the shocker it may have once been.

Besides, it'll be a nice ice breaker when people notice it, or part of it, and ask about it.

You shouldn't worry so much about what people at university think of you. Maybe I'm naive, but I can't imagine that you'd find something like a tattoo to hinder your employment and research opportunities. But maybe things are different at UK schools.
Thanks for the sweet compliment on my set! I put my heart and soul into this set and I'm so glad you like it!
Wow, over a month without updating, bad K!

I am barely alive, I'm still ill from the lovely new students at my uni, and not getting better in a hurry.
My dissertation is still scary (scarier in fact) and has been responsible for some major fireworks for me today. I thiught a lot of the problems I had about starting work, perfectionism and procrastination had...
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I was worried you had disappeared.

Sorry your dissertation is scary and getting you down. I don't know what to suggest, since my perfectionism and procrastination always made me simply drop out without doing major work. Please don't give up that easily!

I really hope you can get out of this hole and get the work done. I'm sure it'll be worth the effort and agony.
♥ <-- That's a heart if you're on Mac Firefox and can't see it.