Maybe I need to follow my own advice at times... I wrote on a friend's post "until you are OK by yourself and with yourself... you can't really be OK with anybody else..." I have a habit of gravitating towards people who are struggling, who are slightly or majorly broken... they set off my paternal instincts strongly on some gut level... I want to protect them and help... and I get kinda twisted up in it emotionally while I'm at it. I guess I have this arrogant notion I can somehow "fix" another person... I can't help myself, I'm kind of built that way wanting to help others. Somebody close to me said maybe I need to be more selfish, which is probably at least a little true, but damn hard for me in real life. I generally would rather take than give the hurt, which unfortunately as often as not leaves me feeling somewhere between a punching bag and crash test dummy. I guess I just need to center myself a bit, figure out what I want and what direction to go. I need to gain some perspective as to who I am, not just to myself, but also to others. I need to recognize when I'm looking for something that's not there, or not seeing something that is. I guess that's the trick for all of us.
I am similar.. I feel familiar with many of your posts. They ring very true. That being said this February I realized I can not actually heal or make my s/o happy as hard as I tried. We have fought to the point of parting as well as many terrible thoughts until I realized he has to do for himself as I for myself. Within that and both of us trying in a new light for our own but newly supporting each other we have discovered a healthier road. We also started taking St. John's Wort for depression type symptoms. That's been a huge improvement too. We are going on 2 months of doing a heck of a lot better through even what would have been turbulent times. Sometimes there are few that are drawn to be healers.. often because they know what it's like to be broken. In that we find purpose for ourselves and a bit of healing too. Follow your heart, give without expectations and be open to life. Be true to you and things will work out in time. 😉❤