Got to see my ma for a bit today, she had to leave too soon though (likes to be home before dark... especially on a holiday weekend) Relaxing after my day yesterday... yesterday I had like the longest day that ended on an awesome note. Since we had the holiday off, my day job made it mandatory for us to work Sunday... not happy, but not too bad. Then I went straight from my day job to get my gear to run karaoke... started at 7:30 (normal 8:00, but a few people were already there) It was kinda dead at the bar and we'd written off doing much business to the 3 day weekend and people being out of town. People were just having fun, calling other friends and family in, and we ended up breaking a 31 yr record for business, had a great crowd drinking, dancing and singing, we all got tipped well. I made twice as much as I normally do on a Sunday and looks like a lot of people have a new must go place for their Sunday nights. This after only about 3 months running the show and struggling to build business for most of it. Everybody way happy, but I'm beat... was up close to 24hrs by the time I got home... then crashed out hard...
That's awesome! Have a great rest.