(For those who would speak honestly despite consequence)
Tell our history,
Teach us,
Inspire us.
Make us feel
Hope, Joy, Love
Doubt, Despair, Pain
I was born in a time
when words mattered.
One's word was not
given lightly
as mine is not.
I speak plainly,
perhaps too plainly.
I may not fit in today's world
of expedience,
of untruths and half-truths.
Words tossed about here
with little meaning.
"I love you's" traded like "hello",
"I promise's" without intention or consequence,
"I do's" without willingness to compromise.
I would rather withdraw,
live in a cave or wood
in honesty with nature.
rather than espouse these ways
of words rescinded,
or watered-down.
when we stop speaking...
with honesty,
with conviction
We all become frauds,
and lose ourselves