Nobody looks at the thousands of interactions the police have with people of all races that end up with no fight or death, just a warning, ticket, or arrest. If a cop tries to stop you, then stop... if you have a weapon and they say drop it, then drop it. Have your day in court, if they shouldn't be hassling you then fix that in court... just live to do that. The ugly truth is that more blacks are killed by blacks, and more whites by whites... any day of the week. The sad thing is people still think everything boils down to race, when more than we know it is now about the division of classes. When we see the mobs, riots, protests, violence, and deaths... it is always the poor and middle class that are wrapped up in it... and the upper class doesn't care, as long as they aren't involved. The people behind the scenes just fuel the fires, let us believe it's black and white. Once things get bad enough, because we can't figure out how to get over our past, then the government will declare martial law... and most of the middle class will gladly give up their freedoms to feel safe. Then we'll be even less in control of what little freedoms we have left in our lives. I believe ALL lives matter, and when you protest that black lives matter... make it about saving black lives, not an excuse to take other lives because that solves nothing. Death brings more death, hate brings more hate, violence only brings more violence. Have we learned nothing from the past? More has been accomplished peaceably than by force. If we can keep from being what we've been accused each other of being, have a little tolerance and understanding, and truly help each other... America can be greater than it has ever been.
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