All we get to keep of anyone are the lasting memories of our time. People have an odd way of focusing on the loss more than the sweetness, however fleeting, that was. I am not that way.
That is something I think a shame and fraud among humans... how often we say I love you, how we promise and plan forever... yet once it ends all that was promised is conveniently forgotten. If it is forgotten so easily, so completely walked away from... how great a love could it have been? It is a slap in the face of the feelings you shared.
If ever I loved you, part of me will always remember how that feeling was, who I was with you, who I am because of that. Not that I must pine away for the loss of it all, but not to discard it with the bad because it is more expedient to remember nothing.
I guess it's just a big dumb loving heart I have, but a true and honest one. Were that a less rare thing I suspect it'd be a far different world.
When the world says your dream's impossible, you don't change the dream... you change the world.
I've always viewed the world as an ever changing... evolving thing. We often take it that things will never change... but they ALWAYS change. Knowing that, will you wait for a change or help make a change... it's up to you. The ship reaches a destination whether or not somebody is at the helm...
I would always remember the sweet with the bitter, they are counterpoint to each other.
If all was bitter we would lose hope, become jaded... or stop bothering at all. If all was sweet, we'd soon tire of it, we could not appreciate it.
Those most thankful to have something, something beautiful and special, are those that have known what it is to have nothing... to hope for better, and have nothing but that hope to hold onto.
I think of myself not as a "hopeless romantic", rather as a "hopeful romantic"
...and that makes all the difference