- sometimes we think we're broken,
even when that's true, it's not forever.
Valentines Day, no I am not a fan. Let me start by saying I do believe that Love and Romance should be celebrated, to be kept alive and well. What a shame that we should have to devote a day to remind us. Valentines Day is now a crutch for many who have forgotten love and romance in their lives, or a quick way for...
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Though we all may kiss or be kissed at midnight (unless we avoid it on purpose) if we go out New Years Eve... will it mean anything? Will be with somebody who may be in our lives this next year and beyond? Or will it be just a kiss cooling on our lips even before the lights go out and we make our way home...
Merry Christmas All. Be with family, friends, and loved ones. Do a kindness for another if you can, even and especially for a stranger... a stranger's just a friend as yet unmet.
Worry not that you're good enough for another, only ask if you are good enough for yourself... as long as that answer is "yes", then other concerns will fall into place. In life and all things, more answers lie within ourselves than without.
snowfall blanketing serene silence
awaiting rebirth and awakening anew
brooding moody skies crackling energy and fearsome fury
gorgeous sunrise golden hues turn fiery auburn
fade to indigo sunset
cool blue ocean full of life, rolling rhythmic
ever lovingly caressing the sand
trees, arms outstretched reaching out to sun and sky, strong and steady
shading and sheltering the world and creatures below
sun warm on your...
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Maybe I need to follow my own advice at times... I wrote on a friend's post "until you are OK by yourself and with yourself... you can't really be OK with anybody else..." I have a habit of gravitating towards people who are struggling, who are slightly or majorly broken... they set off my paternal instincts strongly on some gut level... I want to protect...
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Take the notion of "am I good enough" and toss that out the damn window. Each of is unique, there has never before nor never again will be another you. We fall victims to what the masses and the media tell us... but beauty is not being a stick figure built like a 12 yr old boy in a size zero dress, some airbrushed impossibility...
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In the end, the regrets of the love we gave are fewer and fleeting... than the regrets of the love we didn't give.
Making a ton of changes in my life now that I decided to start living again.
It's amazing sometimes looking back how far things can get outta hand little by little if you let them. People always wonder how others live in bad situations. It's because they aren't as bad as they get immediately, they fall apart slowly... I kept thinking if I tried a...
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