- on amberetta's status update
- on sencha's video
- on sencha's video
- on amberetta's status update
- on iceangel8's post on artemiisia's page
- on iceangel8's post on artemiisia's page
Sometimes the fight winner isn't the biggest and strongest... It's the one with heart... the one that won't be put down or knocked out... that takes the hits, the punishment, and uses that to fuel their unstoppable march forward... More fights are lost by giving up than by being beaten.
Nobody looks at the thousands of interactions the police have with people of all races that end up with no fight or death, just a warning, ticket, or arrest. If a cop tries to stop you, then stop... if you have a weapon and they say drop it, then drop it. Have your day in court, if they shouldn't be hassling you then fix that...
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All we get to keep of anyone are the lasting memories of our time. People have an odd way of focusing on the loss more than the sweetness, however fleeting, that was. I am not that way.
That is something I think a shame and fraud among humans... how often we say I love you, how we promise and plan forever... yet once it ends...
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I've been here just a few days... looking through hundreds of pics. At first I kept thinking how can so many of these bold and beautiful ladies still be hopefuls for Suicide Girls? I am beginning to realize just how many girls are here... Now I wonder how they can get through so many entries at all. At least they have a system where girls...
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I miss you
your words and way
the way we nearly completed
each others sentences
...and each other.
Thoughts of you
flooding back
the torrent smashing down barriers
heedless of time passed
I thought we couldn't,
...ever be
Just cause a thing is impossible,
doesn't mean it isn't
it just means it's harder to explain
to embrace
We lived for a time
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when you look around you are all alone...
except for a true friend that stands beside you, a mate that never gives up on you, a God that loves you with all your imperfections...
sometimes all of these if we've chosen well along the way, are deserving of these blessings, and truly look to find them.

we treasure the ideal
yet trade ours away so easily
or let it be stolen
there can be no lasting happiness
...in chains
...in cages
...in fear
so I started a Revolution
for I hadn't died
I'd just stopped living
Well, I've gone a done it now... Since joining a couple days ago, I visit every day. I hope to one day see all of the amazing SG girls and hopefuls, though it looks like it's gonna take a while. I promise though, if I see a set that I really like... I will try to do more than just click "I loved it"... I...
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(a blast from the past from myself 9-2010)
Is this what others see
all they see?
Cursed and Blessed
I see beyond this
Reflection of me
to reflection within
Of course I love you...
I know your heart and intent
your past
what you've lived through
what you've lost
what you've kept
Of course I hate you...
Who you've been
What you've done...
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- It is stupid... and wonderful. Only a fool would put their heart on the line with another's happiness and well-being far above their own.
Be as vulnerable as one can be for another, and hope against hope they don't hurt you intentionally or through accidental callousness or neglect.
It is by far the most stupid act I am often involved in, yet everything of any...
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