Why does it seem we're always wishing people well, when we don't want them to go? Hoping for their happiness often when we have little for ourselves... Why so rarely do things go according to plan... at least according to our plan... the one where we get to be involved in the happy ending. Poets and dreamers tend to risk their hearts, their lives, their...
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Got to see my ma for a bit today, she had to leave too soon though (likes to be home before dark... especially on a holiday weekend) Relaxing after my day yesterday... yesterday I had like the longest day that ended on an awesome note. Since we had the holiday off, my day job made it mandatory for us to work Sunday... not happy, but...
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I know the difference between you need me and you just need someone.
...even if you don't
I believe there is often nobility and purity in the nature of animals. They have no gift for or tendency towards deceit, they do not waste or take more than they need, they live in harmony with Nature rather than destroying their own habitat, even in brutality they take no joy and have no cruelty. Perhaps our humanity lies in being more like animals, not...
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(For those who would speak honestly despite consequence)
Tell our history,
Teach us,
Inspire us.
Make us feel
Hope, Joy, Love
Doubt, Despair, Pain
I was born in a time
when words mattered.
One's word was not
given lightly
as mine is not.
I speak plainly,
perhaps too plainly.
I may not fit in today's world
of expedience,
of untruths and half-truths.
Words tossed...
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Life's way too short for hate... Hate is the prison you chain yourself into for what somebody else did. Damned if I will hate somebody and let them steal even a moment more of my life they don't deserve. If you've grown to hate somebody, it's way beyond time to leave and get that poison out of your soul...
silvery disc
masked by thin clouds slowly sliding
past and through each other
muted glowing halo shining opaque
I feel it
pulling inside
passion, hunger
senses keen in painful clarity.
world breathed in.
through thick trees of dimmed landscape
sliding gliding between around
over under roots and bramble
fiery fluid form
scent is caught!
maddening need and heady aroma
silvered still shot world...
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If it's only about you or just a show for others... it's not love. Love is being fully for another, without expectation or jealousy or anger. It is not a distraction while you decide your direction... It is both the decision and direction.