edit: why is it that every single person who's requesting my friendship on here is newly single from a long term relationship? does that make me an internet rebound or just a big, weird coincidence? hahah.

i don't like my hair short anymore. i'm going to grow it out again, the way it used to be. i needed a change and i did it, but i miss my long hairs. ):
my boyfriend is so wonderful. i've never met anyone that makes me feel so good about my body and myself. he doesn't even compliment me all the time like how some guys do. he's just real and i can tell he's being honest when he looks me in the eyes and tells me i'm beautiful. when he texts me and tells me that he can't wait to see me again, i get this dumb girly smile on my face. it feels so comfortable being with him, and i'm so glad that i'm with him. i love all his quirks that would probably irritate me in others. it's just another incredibly nerdy thing about robert, not some stupid pet peeve. i can tell this is going to last a while, and i'm thrilled.
i'm in debt and i've been going in and out of it pretty steadily for the last couple of months. i hate it. i make decent money for my age and education level, i work my ass off, and i don't really partake in any frivolous spending but i can barely keep my head above all these finances. if we actually end up getting those economic stimulus checks i'm going to be so stoked. it'll help out majorly. does anyone know when those are supposed to be issued, anyways?
ever since my ipod broke a couple months ago, i've been pretty much music-less. i mean, one of the things i pride myself on is the ability to make awesome playlists, but now it seems like my power is gone. ): recommend some good songs, yes?
i just got snuff by chuck palahniuk in the mail from amazon (i pre-ordered it in september

1) i'm a die-hard angels fan
2) i'm a natural redhead
3) i have hardcore social anxiety and am slightly agoraphobic
4) i write
5) survivor is my reason for living
i think is enough to suffice for a new blog, yes? (:
tell me something about yourselves, something nobody knows.
take care of yourselves.
ignite your passion