my life has turned into work work work all the time. don't get me wrong, i love my job and i'm lucky to have gone as far as i have in the time that i have, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. i barely get by on what i get paid and i have little to no time for school, or the things i want to do anymore. i've been saving up for a new computer, a new car, and four years at an actual university, but it just never seems to be enough. i always have bills to pay. i have to give up a lot of things in order to live debt-free, and i know it's a part of life, but i just wish i could get a little more out of it. i'm completely happy with myself, my job, and i make the most of what i have, but finances are always what seem to get me down.
fingers crossed.
fingers crossed.
what you need? consider it handled
I know how you feel. I am back in school and in debt, hoping to get out of it soon.