i get attached to people far too easily. in real life, through literature, through the internet, etc.
i'll meet someone new, even someone online, and start talking to them and fall in love with their diction. i memorize the way their lips turn up when they laugh in pictures, the cracks in the skin on their hands. i start being able to detect their mood from the look in their eyes, no matter how subtle. i always thought it was rather creepy of me until i realized that the internet is just another forum that i can use to fall in love with all the beauty in the world. it's really only a bad thing when i realize that these digital characters, all 0's and 1's, these people will never feel the same way about me.
i'm being horribly vague and precocious, but i can't help it. there's a certain "you" who i just can't get out of my head, and i just don't want to. all i can say is that you, fellow sg-er, you make blush. you make me smile. you make me anxious to get even the slightest dose of words from you. i'm sounding pathetic, but really, what else is there in a crush?
edit; like faye said, if i keep this up i'll probably break my own heart. however, my heart constantly breaks, and will continue to do so until i close myself off from society completely. call me selfish, but there is far too much beauty and potential in the world for me to want that.
i'll meet someone new, even someone online, and start talking to them and fall in love with their diction. i memorize the way their lips turn up when they laugh in pictures, the cracks in the skin on their hands. i start being able to detect their mood from the look in their eyes, no matter how subtle. i always thought it was rather creepy of me until i realized that the internet is just another forum that i can use to fall in love with all the beauty in the world. it's really only a bad thing when i realize that these digital characters, all 0's and 1's, these people will never feel the same way about me.
i'm being horribly vague and precocious, but i can't help it. there's a certain "you" who i just can't get out of my head, and i just don't want to. all i can say is that you, fellow sg-er, you make blush. you make me smile. you make me anxious to get even the slightest dose of words from you. i'm sounding pathetic, but really, what else is there in a crush?
edit; like faye said, if i keep this up i'll probably break my own heart. however, my heart constantly breaks, and will continue to do so until i close myself off from society completely. call me selfish, but there is far too much beauty and potential in the world for me to want that.
lol thank you so much evryone always says I remind them of someone or asks if I have a twin or sister lol nope to those both

Like Vivid once told me Flattery will get you everywhere
thank you so much I'm friending you your pretty we must chat