i still have yet to sell my warped tour tickets for friday and saturday, which officially puts me as 80 dollars in the hole. :/
i started college today. i was supposed to have math and photo today, but apparently i registered for a math class that doesn't exist so after i cried for a few minutes, i wandered around and hung out with two of my friends between their classes for a couple hours. my photo professor is incredible, though. i can't wait until the class gets rolling. tomorrow after work i have my new (unimaginary) math and english classes, so hopefully they go well, too.
i really hope that this full time student / full time employment thing works out. i kinda sorta need it to. :/
if anyone wanted to tell me something nice, like how strong and incredible i am, i'd kinda be down for hearing it right now. i'm in one of those weird moods where i don't know anything.
i actually just woke up from a three hour nap so i'm anything but tired. i actually just finished watching the tail end of three to tango, which i've decided is my favorite 90s romantic comedy. keeping on that genre, i'm in the process of watching you've got mail. hah. story of my life, man.

oh, and i got a new phone/phone number, so if you had my old one, just message me if you don't have it already. it's a sk3, so that's pretty cool.
i guess that's all.
I'm in Long Beach and I can't get a hold of you! What's up with this shit...
Guess I'll see you when I come back in September. I'm at the Air Port right now... Damn you Kelsey for changing yo number.