today was a much better day. i don't want to bore all of you, but long story short, i went to work at 9:45 and had a blast with ha, andrea and josh, who got me starbucks.
(my friend who wasn't working, andrew, even got us jack in the box for free!). my friend shannon came to work as i was getting off and we saw the movie "the ex," which was hillarious. then we got my copy of "sleepyhead assassins" back from jonathan and shan and i went to denny's where there were four waiters fighting over our table and we were checked out by ever single man in the diner. then i dropped off shan, come home for a little bit, then went to a kick back at this girl courtney's house with my friends becky and ronnie. we smoked a couple of bowls, got del taco, then dropped off becky and ronnie and i went to her place. we had a really long, deep, meaningful conversation with no limits and no leaks of information. it was amazing. i really do love that girl. anyway, i just got back and i have work in 9 hours, so i'm going to watch house and get to bed.
here's to a good night for all.