last night was my open mic night and it went really well. all the people i care about (my ap literature teacher included!) came and supported me and it was very cool. i heard some great poetry and i gave a pretty legit performance, i think. [: my friend ian taped it, so i should be able to youtube it in a little bit. i'll link you when i get it.
i don't know why, but i'm feeling a little lonely lately. guess it just feels like i should be dating someone or something. it's been too long. :/ why is it that the guys i don't see every day think i'm amazing and the guys i do see every day seem to think i'm nothing more than a sister? makes me think there's something wrong with me. it'd really just be nice to have someone interested in me enough to actually make an effort, you know? i'm tired of making the first move and not getting the one thing i want most: reciprocation.
hang in there friend. you will hear from me soon, my promise!
wheres this open mic at.. id like to come check it out some time!!!