at SGU, we pride ourselves in being the best of the best when it comes to adult education. we specialize in hundreds of wide ranging subjects, including the most popular from our 2007-2008 fall course catalogue, fucking 101A and 101B (instructed by fucking professor kelseyvanity and assisted by danielsonc, the course t.a. without the t.) and basic ganja appreciation (instructed by sin, with the guidance of our reefer quality inspectors).
aside from our excellent coursework, we offer equal help to all struggling foreign language and exchange students through our french (kissing) tutor, misskristin.
we here at SGU also keep a devoted staff, including dash (our spiritual counselor for all things tantric) and teege37 (campus security/"rule enforcer"/"arm breaker").
the entire campus is kept running smoothly by stephean, the chairman of our board of financial directors, and of course solipsis, dean of head (and admissions)
please consider enrolling in our fine university!
your friends suicide girl university.