Ahahah, it's been a very long time since I felt that urge to write in here. Many many things changed in between.
My life got some serious ''upgrades'', if I can say so. My mom moved far from here, and divorced as well from her ''einhnder'' husband (a very controlling person). But at least now she is totaly free, and so am I. For the...
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Yup! Nothing like an upgrade. It's only when you change the operating system that you run into problems--Chanelle. The delicious sweetness of a woman sometimes masks a deadly trap. Beware! LOL smile

Good luck! Enjoy life!
That, "...can't we still be firends," line is the kiss of death. It's like the line you get at the checkout line in the store, "Have a nice day!" Which is another way of saying, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass!" Actually, my witch is this girl that I used to work with at B&N here in Battle Creek. The description of her is from her current profile picture on MySpace. She has the loveliest tattoes, built like a brick shithouse, and is almost a dead ringer for Christina Ricci. In other words, I never stood a chance with her--except in my story. Damn! I want her so bad, I can taste it! Oh, well! That's life. smile I sympathize totally with your passion for Chanielle. Don't wait too long, because their are all sorts of hungry wolves out there roaming the forest. Get your fang(s) in her before she gets away! biggrin
Freakin' boring week-end. First, a friend that was supposed to visit me didn't came at all and didn't let me know shit about it. Still cannot join her, seems she's not home, but where the fuck can she be?
Also, all that rain doesn't help. It makes me depressive a little bit.

And none of my other friends are available. Boring lonelyness.

I'm gonna rent...
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thankyou for commenting on my above the houses set. i'm sorry this is so late, i had almost given up replying, but i have a day to do nothing and i wanted you to know i was grateful smile
My life is pretty good. Like everybody, I have my ups and downs. A couple of weeks ago I went to Florida, and that was lovely. The weather there was a drastic contrast to the dismal cold we're having right now in Michigan. The latest weapon I've acquired is a dagger from Museum Replicas. Right now I'm shopping for Christmas and having fun with all of the Holiday hoopla. Christmas has always been the high point of the year for me--I'm a pagan at heart, I guess. smile
Well, nothing much to say, I'm a new member here since January 15, Yoopeedoo-Yayay. Very nice artistic erotic site.
And since marginal peoples are what attracts me the most, it couldn't get any better. I'll be glad to discuss with peoples about anything and everything, if they want it too. smile
thankyou for commenting on my sonic and tails set, it has taken me literally forever to get around to replying (blame that on the essays).. but one month on and I'm still smiling at all the lovely comments smile
Wow, thanks! I'm glad you like my set! kiss