Hello my lovelies! New day, new blog post!
I don't know if any of you follow me on Tumblr or have me as a friend on Facebook, but here's a few things that I've been up to!
I got new piercings! Just my third set of lobes, which this picture doesn't show very well as I haven't got my second lobes in anyway...
Today I did shoots, the first was a girl in my class who has 9 weeks to go on her pregnancy.
I used her as a model for my FMP theme FETISH as some kool kids have a fetish for pregnant women! it's called Maiesiophilia.
My second shoot was with a lovely girl, who I met through college too, she is no longer a student there.
I like how this turned out despite how quickly we had to shoot.
I'm somehow going to tie this into my work, although probably only as a lighting experiment.
Also my boyfriend bought me a new bikini for the holiday we're going on in July!
What do you think?
I think this day has been good!
I don't know if any of you follow me on Tumblr or have me as a friend on Facebook, but here's a few things that I've been up to!
I got new piercings! Just my third set of lobes, which this picture doesn't show very well as I haven't got my second lobes in anyway...
Today I did shoots, the first was a girl in my class who has 9 weeks to go on her pregnancy.
I used her as a model for my FMP theme FETISH as some kool kids have a fetish for pregnant women! it's called Maiesiophilia.
My second shoot was with a lovely girl, who I met through college too, she is no longer a student there.
I like how this turned out despite how quickly we had to shoot.
I'm somehow going to tie this into my work, although probably only as a lighting experiment.
Also my boyfriend bought me a new bikini for the holiday we're going on in July!
What do you think?
I think this day has been good!
Nice bikini too. =D