ok, so sunday evening was totally fun!!! the cultural affairs office at my university has a performing arts series every semester & i know at least music majors are required to see 5 per sem. my sister who's a music ed major, wanted to go & i went with her. it was an indian dance group called Ragamala. they performed the second act with a portion of a taiko drum group. i really should just find the "playbill" for it, but i think the group was called Takata. The dancing was so amazing!!! i'd luv to even just try some of the moves, but i seriously worry about my feet since they dance barefoot & it involves some foot-stomping. the costumes were beautiful. and it was so refreshing to hear some world music again that i enjoy. her & i stopped at sheetz on the way home to get drinks. it was freezing that night so naturally we got something hot. leave it to me to load up on sugar, lol. we decided to get those pink frosted sugar cookies (which are amazing) and she smushed the icing a bit so we swapped them with the other pack. the ride home was fun, too. she was dancing & i was singing to the radio. we're so white, lol.
......more to come later......right now i gotta get some sleep.....stay tuned for more.....
......more to come later......right now i gotta get some sleep.....stay tuned for more.....

Being intrigued is a good thing! It really did end up being a good read, even though it took me quite a while to really get into the story. Absolutely loved the final few chapters though! And thanks for the sleeping advice...Will have to give it a try next time