You know, I've never really spent much time dwelling on tragedy. Every day anymore you hear news about murder, whether it was premeditated or not. A guy killed his wife/girlfriend/mistress or vice versa as it would apply to a woman, or serial killers, or gang violence. I think you get my point by now. Anyway, you always feel bad for the people who are in...
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Wow. So I can't believe it's been 3 months since my last post. Might even have been that long since I was last on here. Umm, so yeah. I could go on at length about everything I've been up to, but honestly it hasn't even been that much. I so lead an exciting life, haha. No worries about me just coming back to complain either....
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nice new car! a volkswagen! 

So I saw the funniest thing on my way home from my summer class today. I was needing a bit of a pick-me-up from an old guy pissing me off at Sheetz. I don't know what's so hard to understand about somebody walking can see a car backing out of a space much easier than that person can see them. Plus it's not like I...
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that cracked me up. ah, to be young and unabashedly innocent
ok, so I seem to complain on here... A LOT lmao. ^_^* hopefully i've made up for it with the addition of a few months' worth of new pics... well, a few months' worth for me at any rate, which doesn't even amount to the typical number of shots in one SG set but oh well. oh yeah, and cut me some slack b/c I'm...
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you shouldn't worry you're still hot as hell

This is a bit of a long one... I had to make up for time lost, lol. I swear, ya'll must think I'm depressed or the penultimate pessimist or something with me always writing when I'm in a funk or a mood or whatev. I'm not, I swear. I've actually been avoiding my blog because of that fact to be honest. I do have some...
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I don't even watch baseball, but I know all about this guy. Sad day indeed.
ok, so sunday evening was totally fun!!! the cultural affairs office at my university has a performing arts series every semester & i know at least music majors are required to see 5 per sem. my sister who's a music ed major, wanted to go & i went with her. it was an indian dance group called Ragamala. they performed the second act with a...
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Being intrigued is a good thing! It really did end up being a good read, even though it took me quite a while to really get into the story. Absolutely loved the final few chapters though! And thanks for the sleeping advice...Will have to give it a try next time 

so my therapist is convinced that i need my meds adjusted. who knows. well, i'm just touching base quick. i'll blog tomorrow...well, technically later today, but i consider it to be tomorrow b/c it's still night & i haven't gone to bed since monday. i'm weird, i know, lol.
I'll be sure to let you know how it works out! I definitely want to learn more languages, but that program comes with an awfully hefty price tag...Will definitely have to research and look into different avenues 
Yea, I'm bummed about the jersey thing. It seems it was just a one time deal that everyone but me seems to have forgotten
I wish jerseys were more like hats though...You can get those in every color and style...Jerseys seem to always be "official"

Yea, I'm bummed about the jersey thing. It seems it was just a one time deal that everyone but me seems to have forgotten

so here goes nothing...hopefully i can finish this before i get signed out or whatever like the last time i tried this, lol. i'm a newb, so i figure i gotta do this as a right of passage. i know, i don't really have to, but i felt like i needed to do something. i'm not much of a blogger either...maybe b/c nobody ever really...
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Maybe you'll grow to love blogging...I know I have
It took me a long time before I got any sort of readers at all, and even now I don't think I have an abundance of them. I have many a blog that stands lonely without comments and whatnot. But I just keep plugging away at it...For me it is about my love of writing more than anything else. And I definitely treat my blogs here (And on a few other sites) like a journal...It's good sometimes to just have a place to write and get things off your chest...And who knows, maybe even get some feedback or kind words
Also, you'd be surprised how many people will actually read what you write. Of course, a lot of them are lurkers and won't say anything, but they are still out there reading nonetheless. I've run into a lot of people I know that I had no clue whatsoever read my blog...They never comment on them or anything like that...But out of the blue they'll mention something about what I wrote, or if I haven't written in a while they'll say something.
Anyway, I'm kinda rambling at this point...It's late and I'm sick and full of medicine
So, I'll end this post here lol...

Also, you'd be surprised how many people will actually read what you write. Of course, a lot of them are lurkers and won't say anything, but they are still out there reading nonetheless. I've run into a lot of people I know that I had no clue whatsoever read my blog...They never comment on them or anything like that...But out of the blue they'll mention something about what I wrote, or if I haven't written in a while they'll say something.
Anyway, I'm kinda rambling at this point...It's late and I'm sick and full of medicine