So what have you missed out on in the last month?
Gender Bending Photography had it's first shoots!

Our first model was Dillan, Ashs brother and one of my very best friends

And Jes, a burlesque performing friend of ours who is usually in drag as Cole Harmoni

We are also planning to shoot Pogoe as soon as we're settled into our new place!
Add us on Facebook! And I'd like to say that sometimes fans find out my real name and try to friend my personal Facebook account, which is very flattering but I'm sorry to say that I don't add people I don't know on my personal account. Please don't take it personal

Spent 4th of July on a house boat with Ash and her little bro Morgan

Got a little sea

Hmmm...deja vu

It was Vegas, don't judge me

Houseboats are just floating trailor parks lol

Went to Alum Creek beach

Have you heard the story of Alum Creek? For the long version, click here. For the shorter version, see below
I had to take out my dreads
They were taking quite a bit of maintnance since my hair underneath was so short but I LOVED them while they were in and I plan to re-braid them in soon. My hair was all kinked when they came out so I had to take a picture hehe.
In other news, my love of pussy has grown even more if possible
And now for my random pictures!
Me using a heel to plant a seed. Oh yeah, I'm gangsta
Making the most of my time at the laundry mat
This dress makes me think about labia. Anyone with me?
And now...I have some bad news. I've been putting off writing about this in hopes that something would change but it's past the point of hope so to speak. Sadly, I won't be able to make it to Hell City Phoenix this year I miss all my buddies so much. Aerion, my best girlfriend, I can't wait to see you and Mr.PinkMohawk again! Bitten, Haydin, Mitska, Zuraih, Riona, you're my girls! And of course, my first friend I made on SG, Padre. At least I'm missing it for something it's worth. All our money is going towards our new place, which I am soooooo indiscribably excited for. But hopefully I'll see ya'll next year, or even better, maybe I'll visit before then or get a guest at my new place <3 Time for some Hell City reminising...
Me and my besty Aerion, aka Sticky
This was taken after one of the most embarrassing moments of my life lol. See, I am a very clumbsy person so when we all got up on stage to hand out awards all I could think was 'please don't trip in front of all these people' (And of course 'I wonder where that sexy ass lesbian *Ash, ahem* is). Then I get up there and see that we have to put medals on the winners necks and I just know I'll do something to mess it up. Well, this guy comes up with a hat on and a cigar in his mouth and what do I do while trying to put on his medal? Hit his hat into his face and knock the cigar out of his mouth lol. And just earlier that day I was feeling so cool when these guys outside my appartment said "Hey! I saw you at Hell City! You're that Suicide Girl!" And theeennnn I feel down an entire flight of stairs in front of them lol.
My bff Drama bought me these sa-weet plugs for my bday
And MissyMalice bought me this awesome necklace
They're seriously my favorite gifts I've ever received. I LOVE steampunk stuff! You can get your own pair here and here I'm so glad Zephyr sent me that link!
Me and Drama at Hound dogs
Lastly, I am trying to better myself inside and out. When I FINALLY get a job i'm getting ligual braces (they go on the back of your teeth), I'm getting a facial because this Ohio weather hates my skin and I'm getting a damn weave lol because I love changing my appearence and it's hard to do with short hair. Since I don't have a job I've been making money from my hobbies. Jewlery making, clothing alterations, photography and carpentry! Carpentry is my latest dyke aspiration lol. Ash and I are making all our own funiture for the new place And as a person, I'm going to be more sympathetic. I've always had a hard time feeling sympathy even though I'm amazing at putting myself in others shoes. I think the reason is that I have a hard time showing emotions even when they're my own, but Ash is teaching me that there's no shame in tears. In fact, it's beautiful
Have you ever noticed that 99% of pretty girls are mean? Why is that? I mean, I'm not a complete dog but I'm always nice to everyone and I've been left out many a time. I don't understand it. Maybe they think that hanging out with someone uncool will bring down their social status. I'm not cool in any way shape or form so I'm always on the butt end of these mean girl occurances. Maybe that's why I get along so much better with guys, they're never catty. And I've got major social anxiety so I usually stay at home watching re-runs instead of socialising so maybe that's part of it. In any case, I've decided to try and be more social so I'm most likely going to the SG luau, depending on Ashs schedual (I don't drive). I even bought a new bikini that actually fits me
Also, I'm going to try and be more all around outgoing, including being more active on SG. It's hard since I don't have internet a lot of the time but I still love it here! I havn't shot a new set in almost a year and I plan to change that very soon
Well, that's all I've got. Peace, love and chicken grease!