Pride weekend was amazing!!!

Bitten came to visit and help celebrate

It was my very first pride and I got to be on a float, topless! The drag queens called it The booby float lol

Rode the 'Fairy wheel' topless

We inspired a lot of girls to go topless

And I've kind of made a habit of talking drunk girls out of their clothes for fun lol

But don't worry, I helped her put them back on

And she gave me her vibrator as a thank you. Although I wasn't sure what to think of that...

Ok now check out this creepy dude trying to discreetly take pictures of our asses

Story about him below
Porphyria and _Eon visited and I got to watch them shoot with Alissa Porphy did a steamy multi with Zephyr and _Eon shot her first hopeful set
I didn't get any pics of _Eon's set because she was a little shy but Alissa should have videos for all the girls soon
And while Porphyria was in town she made me look fabulous!
Dreads made by the amazing Annasthesia <3 Who by the way is one of those hopefuls who should have been pink AGES ago!
And then Comfest came along
Which isn't that much fun with no money lol, but it was nice to see friends
I love Columbus! Every time I turn around I see something Ive never seen before since I lived my whole life thus far on the west coast. Heres a few of the things that are new to me
Lightning bugs
and slugs
Also Ive seen my first beavers *giggle*, groundhogs and moles!
I got a new kitty!
My neighbor got evicted and left a bunch of cats behind, including this kitten so Ash and I saved her. Her names Belvedere because she walks like shes drunk. We think shes got some type of neurological disorder but besides the swaying and stumbling shes a normal kitten and she has tons of personality
And heres some awesomely random pictures
Ash and I flaggin at the gay bar
Yoga boobs!
After our pride picture we balled up all the ribbon and threw it on the floor, to which Ash says Look, a gay man died there! Lol. And to make that even funnier, later that night, back stage at a drag show I heard a drag queen say the exact same thing about a pile of glitter.
We cheated a little bit using names and such but used every letter in the bag!
Me as Peter Pan
Ash with our friend who's a drag king, dressed as a drag queen
In other news, I am starting my own kinda sorta photography business, just for fun. It's going to be called Gender Bending Photography and it's mainly going to be, as the name implies, pictures of gender bending people such as drag kings and queens. I'm pretty excited about it
Aaaaannnndddd I should be shooting a new set with Alissa soon! Woot woot
I reeeeeaaaallllyyyy want to do a steampunk shoot, especially while I have my dreads but since my ex still has most of my clothes and isn't being very coraprative I'm not quite sure how that will work out :/ I found some amazing steampunk boots that I'm TRYING to add to my wishlist but I forgot my password lol.
And lastly, Ash and I found a place to live!!! We move in on August 1st It's an amazing and affordable place. I'll spare the details...for now haha. I'm hoping to get internet soon so I can work my ass off on MGF to help Ash afford the deposit. If anyone has any ideas on how to make a quick buck, or if anyone needs anything photoshopped to help me on the bill it would be mucho appriciated
Love ya'll
And ow...your poor naughty bits!