Hell yeah! 98%!
What's with the super low comment count lately? It's like SG is dying

I'm so happy

I'm selling the shoes and dress from my Irish Aspirin set <3

Sheikh shoes size 8, only worn for this shoot $45 (that includes shipping)

Wet Seal size medium dress $25
And I always have prints
I am SO excited because next time Epiic comes to town she's going to film a video of Ash and I to this song inspired by the voyeur video by Sash and Radeo. It will be slightly more explicit but very tastful, beautiful and artistic. So excited

Aaannndd I'm working on an idea for a new set soon

98% love indeed! Can't go wrong when you come out with new sets! 

Hey! Sorry, I've been gone for a while! I was on a two week cruise in the Caribbean with my lovely wife...
It was awesome as you can imagine! Your new set is fantastic! But I'm sure you already knew that...