So I've started a dream journal since I have such strange, silly dreams. Here's a little sample of what goes on in my head: (It looks kinda long but it's really funny lol, I promise)
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Feb. 19
Then the dream jumps to a high school dorm where my rich cousin has a huge room all to herself with 2 puppies and the skinniest horse Ive ever seen resembling a grey hound. Ash and I continue singing and we dance out to the high patio. I grab onto some kind of electric wire or clothes line above the patio and swing around, accidentally kicking the horse and knocking it out. Everybody thinks I killed the horse and I feel terrible so I go out to it and poke it, and blow on it to see if it will move. Suddenly the horse shoots up and runs inside completely unharmed. I express my concern that I shouldnt have been able to hurt the horse with how little I kicked it. They tell me that the horse weighs only 2 ounces and points to one of the tiny puppies, saying that they weigh the same amount. I ask if they mean 2 lbs, but no. My aunt says that the horse is normally not allowed on the balcony because if it gets windy at all it will blow right off. I think the horse had some kind of subliminal connection to me as being a child because in my dream it felt more like a newborn baby than a horse and I wanted it so bad that I cried when I left it.
The dream fades into a, probably even stranger, stage. Ash and I are riding on the back of Adam Sandlers golf cart, with Adam Sandler up front. The cart looks just like the one that the old man has in Heart breakers (a pale yellow Rolls Royce), which consequently we watched just yesterday. I tell Adam about the horse incident and find out that the horse was his but my cousin was babysitting it for him. After he heard that we had a scare with the animals mortality he takes in a sharp breath of air, covers his mouth and points to a manual covered in plastic tucked in behind his seat. I pick it up and it says TIPS: Dont complain about previous owners. I like them and would like to have an untainted view of their moral and how my animal is kept.
Feb. 21
I was at Walmart wearing nothing but a strap on and a silk robe. It kept poking out and flashing people so I had to grab a salad bowl and walk around covering my crotch with it.
So a few of the Jay Brooks pictures are retouched now
AND I have a set going into review March 28 by Cherry