Whew! It's been a crazy couple of weeks! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much everyone who helped Ash and I with money. I seriously cried I was so happy. We ended up getting quite a bit more than we originally needed but as money does, it's gone to bills before you even get a good look at it. We had our electric shut off on a Friday evening and by some grace of God we all pulled together and had it turned back on
And I was able to make a fabulous birthday cake for my girl!
Drawing it out:
Then I dressed up a sweet little Snow white doll and made it a burlesque vixen!
The finished product:
So uh, I got kicked out of the bar that night lol. I had 3 shots before I left and didn't plan on drinking any more but people kept buying me shots and I passed out in front of tons of people on Ash's birthday. Her best friend Mel took me home and put me in bed. I totally learned my lesson lol, no more drinking for me.
Ok, now for some fun random pictures
Me and my brothers SKS
My grandma flipping off the camera (I love her lol)
I made Ash and I on Smackdown vs. Raw hehe
Have you ever blown a bubble and instead of blowing it till it popped you just kept blowing more bubbles? Well we had a contest to see who could blow the most bubbles at the same time. I got to 6, she got to 4
My camo toes *giggle*
My nerd glasses, oh and my ears are 4 gauge now
Ash getting tattooed by Durb
Watching Queer as Folk with my bff
Went to Rendezvous hair salon on free mohawk day. I didn't get one but Ash and Dillan did
I love that place. Upstairs is an all female tattoo shop. I'm really hopeing they'll decide they need a massage therapist lol. They have some amazing artwork up in there too. In particular I love the little gas masks
I really want a tattoo on my arm with roses and gasmasks kind of like this
Lastly, I found these old pictures I edited of my room mates way back when
Does anybody know what's with the profile picture situation? I know Noel and I have both been trying to change our profile pictures for quite some time. This is what I want my new picture to be since I don't even look like my current one anymore
This is the most random blog ever isn't it? I went to the decade of drag show at Wallstreet. It was an amazing show. Then went to the SG masqurade at Skullys. I love that I get into all the clubs for free either because I'm an SG or because Ash is part of the burlesque troup Viva! And the Velvet Hearts. Her stage name is Mike Hunt lol, look her up on Facebook
And once again thank you guys for helping us out 

Drawing it out:

Then I dressed up a sweet little Snow white doll and made it a burlesque vixen!

The finished product:

So uh, I got kicked out of the bar that night lol. I had 3 shots before I left and didn't plan on drinking any more but people kept buying me shots and I passed out in front of tons of people on Ash's birthday. Her best friend Mel took me home and put me in bed. I totally learned my lesson lol, no more drinking for me.
Ok, now for some fun random pictures

Me and my brothers SKS

My grandma flipping off the camera (I love her lol)

I made Ash and I on Smackdown vs. Raw hehe

Have you ever blown a bubble and instead of blowing it till it popped you just kept blowing more bubbles? Well we had a contest to see who could blow the most bubbles at the same time. I got to 6, she got to 4

My camo toes *giggle*

My nerd glasses, oh and my ears are 4 gauge now

Ash getting tattooed by Durb
Watching Queer as Folk with my bff

Went to Rendezvous hair salon on free mohawk day. I didn't get one but Ash and Dillan did

I love that place. Upstairs is an all female tattoo shop. I'm really hopeing they'll decide they need a massage therapist lol. They have some amazing artwork up in there too. In particular I love the little gas masks

I really want a tattoo on my arm with roses and gasmasks kind of like this

Lastly, I found these old pictures I edited of my room mates way back when

Does anybody know what's with the profile picture situation? I know Noel and I have both been trying to change our profile pictures for quite some time. This is what I want my new picture to be since I don't even look like my current one anymore

This is the most random blog ever isn't it? I went to the decade of drag show at Wallstreet. It was an amazing show. Then went to the SG masqurade at Skullys. I love that I get into all the clubs for free either because I'm an SG or because Ash is part of the burlesque troup Viva! And the Velvet Hearts. Her stage name is Mike Hunt lol, look her up on Facebook

Love the new profile pic!! somehow its even hotter than the first! I'm a sucker for edgy haircuts

i've been trying to change my profile pic for a while too