I really needed to write a new blog! Unfortunately, I'm doing it from my phone so I can't add pictures or links and there's no spell check lol. I am currently in Ohio staying with my girlfriend
went to the halloween party with a mohawk, dark makeup and bondage gear cuz I'm poor and couldn't afford a costume lol. Kissed Epiic, Zombie_ and prasepea, got in trouble with my girlfriend for being an overly flirty drunk, made up and woke up 5 hours later to do a multi with Epiic shot by sean
we both have sets waiting to come out already so it'll be about 5 months or so before that comes out.
In other news, I think I might stay in Ohio! I just need to get a job cuz, although being poor makes it easy to lose weight and keep it off, I don't want my girl to have to worry about it anymore.
So anyways, as soon as I get to a real computer ill post pics
thank you everyone who's commented on my new set!

In other news, I think I might stay in Ohio! I just need to get a job cuz, although being poor makes it easy to lose weight and keep it off, I don't want my girl to have to worry about it anymore.
So anyways, as soon as I get to a real computer ill post pics

LOTs of them!
I've missed talking with you as well, why'd you disappear?