So I ended up not going to the gay bar because my inhaler made me feel like poo. I will probably still go within the next few days that I'm here. I'm not looking forward to going back to work
Today was such a beutiful day! I went to H2Oasis, hiked a tiny bit then I went to my first ever strip club. I didn't know they were so raunchy lol. I thought it was just naked ladys dancing but they basically dry hump people in the front row. I didn't sit in the front, I'm too shy. It took my friend a half hour to convince me to even go in lol. So anyway, I'm pretty sure that I'm going whale watching tommorow! So exciting! I've never seen a whale before. I haven't taken any print pics yet but now that the weather is good hopefully I can do some before I leave. Its really pretty here, very green. I bought a reflector thingy. My friends talked me out of buying a softbox here but I'm getting one when I get back to phoenix. Ok I guess I gotta go to bed now :/ night! Ill be able to post pics in a few days when I get home.

I always imagine that as a life changing experience.