Hola! I'm in Alaska, i'm 21 as of yesterday starting of right at midnight and havn't been sober yet. I'm not a complete drunkard, it's my friends fault. Cassie drowned me in mojito and Virginia yelled at me till I drank this gold shit that tastes like cinnomin. Oh great I dont have spell check on this computer lol. So unfortunatley I don't get wifi here so I won't be able to check up very often but I'll write an awesome blog when I get home and am sober again. Alaska is awesome so far minus the fact that is freezing! They lied when they said it was in the 70s. I froze my balls off at the rennasance fair yesterday. I looked super cute in my hand made by my friend Virgina wench costume though. Although unfortunatly there are no picures because Rylan didn't bring the camera. I blame him because I was incapable of...anything besides puking. Sorry my grammar is so terrible right now. Well, peace and love my friends lol.
Oh yeah P.S. It's 10:40 pm right now and the sun is STILL up! I love it
Oh yeah P.S. It's 10:40 pm right now and the sun is STILL up! I love it
Happy birthday, glad you're having a good time
Teeeheehee. Ill post some pics in my uniform . Just for you