I have a ton of ideas to do for some hopeful (hopefully not for long) sets but I don't know if I should do them now or wait until I have my tattoos done. I just got a job and It's gonna cost a ton to do all my tats and who knows how long it will take. And then it takes a long time until they are queued so idk...I really wanna do some now because I'm impatient but I'm afraid that people won't like them as much because I only have one tiny tattoo. What do you guys think? And btw, the tattoos that I'm getting are corsets up my sides like this http://farm1.static.flickr.com/190/506488572_d43f473471.jpg?v=0 except with a cuter bow and wings somewhat like this http://tattooique.com/info/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/50706107_9918037472_300.jpg
I know they are both kind of generic tattoos but I've always loved them so screw you lol.
I know they are both kind of generic tattoos but I've always loved them so screw you lol.