1. My new gigantic monitor is tha bomb-ass shit!... it's so fucking big i had to make a special 1900 pixel wide version of my Al desktop for it - and she never looked BETTER!
2. SGB is better than ever - but Beachland ballroom sux.
3. Lately, i feel lost when i'm NOT working.
4. The Cure are STILL ALL THAT and a bag of Lime Tostitos!
5. Dont try to help unless you're ABSOLUTELY sure no one will get mad at you.
6. Hammocks are good.
7. Blyss is one of the HOTTEST SG's on the site. period.
8. Fireworks are cool but ONLY if you're close enough to feel them and they can scare the SHIT out of you.
9. Major League Soccer is a fucking BORE compared to The English Premiereship.
10. The only way that my new Apple 23" HD Cinema display could be ANY cooler is illustrated below.
Al sez, "I just LOOOVE a warm monitor!"
interviews or reviews of cds or movies or whatever
lemme know what youre looking for
you can see some of my music reviews online at
www.lostatsea.net - i think the review of Langhorne SLim is still on the main page
or www.sponiczine.com- i reviewed Pedro the Lion and some other things for them
if you check out the entertainment archives at www.mapleheightspress.com
they might still have some other entertainment shit ive written
ill email ya