dating a virgin sucks
She won't let you kiss her? Has she never been kissed at all? How long have ya'll been going out?

I don't think it's a virgin thing. I think it's that you're dating a girl that's afraid of sex/intimacy, or something along those lines. I really don't have enough details to make a reasonable guess.

And I just bought a Ghostbuters 1 & 2 DVD boxed set from Target for ten bucks. Comes in this nice little tin case and everything! Fuck yeah!
I know you already have those movies, but did you get them for five bucks apiece? wink

How old is she? I don't know what to tell you except that you can't rush stuff like that. If you want to wait for her, then go ahead and wait, but if not...you might want to move on if that's what will make you happiest.
I am only 1 class away from graduating, and I am ready to give it all up. Morgan state has drove me nuts.

and cairo, my new count is now 53 over a 5 year span.
Damn, you slut! What the hell have you been doing since I last saw you??!
Don't give up. I was the same way right before graduation.
Just updating because I havent in a while. Been extremely busy with, well, life. I swear. work and school are really takeing their toll on me as of late. granted I have been off on the weekends but its really not enough i believe. My supervisor left, so we are shorted one person in my department. because of that I have been doing a lot...
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Morgan state is a cess pool of black colleges, if I didnt need only one class to get my diploma I would drop out....
It's an annual Prom for SG members and models in San Francisco. I couldn't go last year but I am this year!
had a convo with my ex, was I too mean?

righteousgirl24: hi
thafckisup: hello
righteousgirl24: i have an important question for you
thafckisup: go right ahead
righteousgirl24: if you were married and although your bringing in the income, would you have any reason to even continue to search for other woman on dating sites and look at porn?
thafckisup: hes searching for women on dating...
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So I go to karaoke tonight, I am doing my thing, as usual. I get ready to do "thriller" by michael jackson. A homeless fat black crackhead comes in and tries t take my friends beer and sip it. They proceed to throw her out of the bar, she then said "i want to hear my man perform" talking about me. I say over the...
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Welcome back biggrin